abs(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the absolute value of x .
acos(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the arc cosine of x , in radians.
add(otherVector) |
Vector |
(none) |
Add on a vector.
add() |
LayerSets |
LayerSet |
add(otherColor) |
Color |
(none) |
Add two colors.
add([width],[height],[resolution],…) |
Documents |
Document |
add() |
Channels |
Channel |
add(otherRotation) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Add on a rotation vector.
add(element,before) |
HTMLSelectElement |
(none) |
add() |
ArtLayers |
ArtLayer |
addEventListener(type,listener,useCapture) |
EventTarget |
(none) |
adjustBrightnessContrast(brightness,contrast) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust brightness and constrast
adjustColorBalance([shadows],[midtones],[highlights],…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjustCurves(curveShape) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust curves of the selected channels
adjustLevels(inputRangeStart,inputRangeEnd,inputRangeGamma,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust levels of the selected channels
alert(msg) |
Application |
(none) |
Display an alert dialog.
ance range(tolerance,antiAlias) |
Selection |
(none) |
animationsPaused() |
SVGSVGElement |
Boolean |
append(tagName) |
EnterSelection |
Selection |
Create and append new elements for all the placeholder entries, returning a new selection of the created elements.
append(tagName) |
Selection |
Selection |
Create and append new elements, returning a new selection of them.
appendChild(newChild) |
Node |
Node |
appendData(arg) |
CharacterData |
(none) |
appendItem(newItem) |
SVGLengthList |
SVGLength |
appendItem(newItem) |
SVGPointList |
SVGPoint |
appendItem(newItem) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
appendItem(newItem) |
SVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSeg |
appendItem(newItem) |
SVGStringList |
String |
appendItem(newItem) |
SVGNumberList |
SVGNumber |
appendMedium(newMedium) |
MediaList |
(none) |
apply([thisScope],[args]) |
Function |
Object |
Call the function/method, optionally setting a new scope for this and passing in parameters via an array.
applyAddNoise(amount,distribution,monochromatic) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the add noise filter
applyBlur() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the blur filter
applyBlurMore() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the blur more filter
applyClouds() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the clouds filter
applyCustomFilter(characteristics,scale,offset) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the custom filter
applyDeInterlace(eliminateFields,createFields) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the De-Interlace filter
applyDespeckle() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the despeckle filter
applyDifferenceClouds() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the difference clouds filter
applyDiffuseGlow(graininess,glowAmount,clearAmount) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the diffuse glow filter
applyDisplace(horizontalScale,verticalScale,displacementType,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the displace filter
applyDustAndScratches(radius,threshold) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the dust and scratches filter
applyGaussianBlur(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the Gaussian blur filter
applyGlassEffect(distortion,smoothness,scaling,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the glass filter
applyHighPass(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the high pass filter
applyLensFlare(brightness,flareCenter,lensType) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the lens flare filter
applyMaximum(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the maximum filter
applyMedianNoise(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the median noise filter
applyMinimum(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the minimum filter
applyMotionBlur(angle,radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the motion blur filter
applyNTSC() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the NTSC colors filter
applyOceanRipple(size,magnitude) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the ocean ripple filter
applyOffset(horizontal,vertical,undefinedAreas) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the offset filter
applyPinch(amount) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the pinch filter
applyPolarCoordinates(conversion) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the polar coordinates filter
applyRadialBlur(amount,blurMethod,blurQuality) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the radial blur filter
applyRipple(amount,size) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the ripple filter
applySharpen() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the sharpen filter
applySharpenEdges() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the sharpen edges filter
applySharpenMore() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the sharpen more filter
applyShear(curve,undefinedAreas) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the shear filter
applySmartBlur(radius,threshold,blurQuality,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the smart blur filter
applySpherize(amount,mode) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the spherize filter
applyStyle(styleName) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
applyTextureFill(textureFile) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the texture fill filter
applyTwirl(angle) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the twirl filter
applyUnSharpMask(amount,radius,threshold) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the unsharp mask filter
applyWave(generatorNumber,minimumWavelength,maximumWavelength,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the wave filter
applyZigZag(amount,ridges,[style]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the zigzag filter
atan(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the arc tangent of x , in radians.
atan2(y,x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the arc tangent of the quotient y /x , where the signs of y and x are used to determine the quadrant of the result, in radians.
attach(assetObject) |
Asset |
(none) |
Attach the argument underneath the asset.
attach(layerObject) |
Scene |
(none) |
Attach a layer underneath the scene.
attr(name) |
Selection |
Selection |
Get attribute value.
attr(name,func) |
Transition |
Transition |
Transition an attribute value based on data.
attr(name,value) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set attribute to a value.
attr(name,value) |
Transition |
Transition |
Transition an attribute to a value.
attr(name,func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set attribute value from data.
attrTween(name,tweenCalculator) |
Transition |
Transition |
Transition an attribute between two values.
autoContrast() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust contrast of the selected channels automatically
autoLevels() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust levels of the selected channels using auto levels option
beep() |
Application |
(none) |
Invoke a system beep.
blend(otherColor) |
Color |
(none) |
Blend two colors.
blur() |
HTMLAnchorElement |
(none) |
blur() |
HTMLSelectElement |
(none) |
blur() |
HTMLTextAreaElement |
(none) |
blur() |
HTMLInputElement |
(none) |
call() |
Selection |
Element |
Find the first DOM element in the selection.
call(func,[arg1],[arg2],…) |
Selection |
Selection |
Invoke a function, passing the selection and returning it.
call([thisScope],[arg1],[arg2],…) |
Function |
Object |
Call the function/method, optionally setting a new scope for this and passing in parameters.
call(func,[arg1],[arg2],…) |
Transition |
Transition |
Invoke a function, passing the transition and returning it.
ceil(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return smallest integer which is larger than x (aka "round up").
changeMode(destinationMode,[options]) |
Document |
(none) |
change the mode of the document
charAt(pos) |
String |
String |
Return the character at a particular index in the string.
charCodeAt(pos) |
String |
Number |
Return the Unicode value of the character at a particular index in the string.
charIDToTypeID(charID) |
Application |
Number |
Convert from a four character code to a runtime ID
checkEnclosure(element,rect) |
SVGSVGElement |
Boolean |
Is the element within a rectangular area?
checkIntersection(element,rect) |
SVGSVGElement |
Boolean |
Does the element intersect the rect?
classed(name,setFlag) |
Selection |
Selection |
Add/remove a CSS class from the selection.
classed(name) |
Selection |
Boolean |
Check to see if the selection has the specified class.
classed(name,func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Add/remove a CSS class from the selection based on data.
clear([merge]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
clear() |
SVGPointList |
(none) |
clear() |
SVGLengthList |
(none) |
clear() |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
clear the descriptor
clear() |
ActionList |
(none) |
clear the list
clear() |
SVGTransformList |
(none) |
clear() |
SVGPathSegList |
(none) |
clear() |
Scene |
(none) |
Removes all layers from the scene.
clear() |
Selection |
(none) |
clear selection
clear() |
SVGNumberList |
(none) |
clear() |
SVGStringList |
(none) |
click() |
HTMLInputElement |
(none) |
cloneNode(deep) |
Node |
Node |
Return a new copy of the node.
close() |
File |
Boolean |
Close the open File.
close() |
HTMLDocument |
(none) |
close([saving]) |
Document |
(none) |
close the document
concat([string1],[string2],[...]) |
String |
String |
Append one or more strings to the current string, and return the result.
concat([item1],[item2],[...]) |
Array |
Array |
Concatenates one or more items or arrays onto the current array.
confirm(msg) |
Application |
Boolean |
Display a confirmation dialog.
consolidate() |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
contract(by) |
Selection |
(none) |
contracts the selection
contrast(contrastFactor) |
Color |
(none) |
Increase/decrease contrast of the color.
convertProfile(destinationProfile,intent,[blackPointCompensation],…) |
Document |
(none) |
convert the document from using one color profile to using another
convertToShape() |
TextItem |
(none) |
converts the text item and its containing layer to a fill layer with the text changed to a clipping path
convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType) |
SVGAngle |
(none) |
convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType) |
SVGLength |
(none) |
copy([merge]) |
Selection |
(none) |
copy selection to the clipboard
copy() |
Rotation |
Rotation |
Return a copy of the rotation object.
copy(target) |
File |
Boolean |
Copy the file to the given location.
copy() |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Return a copy of the matrix object.
copy() |
Vector |
Vector |
Return a copy of the vector.
copy() |
Asset |
Asset |
Create a copy of the asset.
copy() |
Color |
Color |
Duplicate the color object.
cos(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the cosine of x , in radians.
create() |
Folder |
Boolean |
Create a new folder.
createAttribute(name) |
Document |
Attr |
createAttributeNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName) |
Document |
Attr |
createCaption() |
HTMLTableElement |
HTMLElement |
createCDATASection(data) |
Document |
CDATASection |
createComment(data) |
Document |
Comment |
createCSSStyleSheet(title,media) |
DOMImplementationCSS |
CSSStyleSheet |
createDocument(namespaceURI,qualifiedName,doctype) |
DOMImplementation |
Document |
createDocumentFragment() |
Document |
DocumentFragment |
createDocumentType(qualifiedName,publicId,systemId) |
DOMImplementation |
DocumentType |
createElement(tagName) |
Document |
DocumentFragment |
createElementNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName) |
Document |
Element |
createEntityReference(name) |
Document |
EntityReference |
createEvent(eventType) |
DocumentEvent |
Event |
Creates and returns a new Event object.
createPath() |
TextItem |
(none) |
creates a work path based on the text item
createPrimitive(primitiveType,subType,resolution,…) |
Model |
(none) |
Create primitive geometry in the model.
createProcessingInstruction(target,data) |
Document |
ProcessingInstruction |
createSVGAngle() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGAngle |
createSVGLength() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGLength |
createSVGMatrix() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGMatrix |
createSVGNumber() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGNumber |
createSVGPathSegArcAbs(x,y,r1,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegArcAbs |
createSVGPathSegArcRel(x,y,r1,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegArcRel |
createSVGPathSegClosePath() |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegClosePath |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(x,y,x1,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(x,y,x1,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(x,y,x2,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(x,y,x2,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(x,y,x1,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(x,y,x1,…) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(x,y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs |
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(x,y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel |
createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(x,y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegLinetoAbs |
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(x) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs |
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(x) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel |
createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(x,y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegLinetoRel |
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs |
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel |
createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(x,y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegMovetoAbs |
createSVGPathSegMovetoRel(x,y) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPathSegMovetoRel |
createSVGPoint() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGPoint |
Creates and returns a new SVGPoint object.
createSVGRect() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGRect |
Creates and returns a new SVGRect element
createSVGTransform() |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGTransform |
createSVGTransformFromMatrix(matrix) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
createSVGTransformFromMatrix(matrix) |
SVGSVGElement |
SVGTransform |
createTextNode([data]) |
Document |
Text |
Create a new Text node, with optional content.
createTFoot() |
HTMLTableElement |
HTMLElement |
createTHead() |
HTMLTableElement |
HTMLElement |
crop(bounds,[angle],[width],…) |
Document |
(none) |
crop the document
cross(otherVector) |
Vector |
(none) |
Perform a cross-product on the vector.
cut() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
cut current selection to the clipboard
data(dataValues,[keyCalculator]) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the data array for the selection, computing the update, enter, and exit selections.
data(dataCalculator,[keyCalculator]) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the data array for the selection based on existing data.
data() |
Selection |
Array |
Get the data array for the first group in the selection.
datum(value) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the data associated with elements in the selection.
datum() |
Selection |
Object |
Return the data associated with the first element in the selection (if any).
datum(func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the data associated with elements in the selection based on existing data.
decode(str) |
File |
String |
Decode the input string according to RFC 2396.
decode(str) |
Folder |
String |
Decode the input string according to RFC 2396.
delay(delayCalculator) |
Transition |
Transition |
Calculate per-element transition delay.
delay(delayMS) |
Transition |
Transition |
Specify transition delay for all elements.
deleteCaption() |
HTMLTableElement |
(none) |
deleteCell(index) |
HTMLTableRowElement |
(none) |
deleteData(offset,count) |
CharacterData |
(none) |
deleteMedium(oldMedium) |
MediaList |
(none) |
deleteRow(index) |
HTMLTableSectionElement |
(none) |
deleteRow(index) |
HTMLTableElement |
(none) |
deleteRule(index) |
CSSStyleSheet |
(none) |
deleteRule(index) |
CSSMediaRule |
(none) |
deleteTFoot() |
HTMLTableElement |
(none) |
deleteTHead() |
HTMLTableElement |
(none) |
deselect() |
Selection |
(none) |
deselectAll() |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
detach(assetObject) |
Asset |
(none) |
Remove an asset from this asset.
detach(layerObject) |
Scene |
(none) |
Remove a layer from the scene.
dispatchEvent(evt) |
EventTarget |
Boolean |
Dispatches an event to the invoking object.
distance(otherVector) |
Vector |
Number |
Calculate the distance to another vector.
distanceSquared(otherVector) |
Vector |
Number |
Calculate the squared distance to another vector.
doAction(action,from) |
Application |
(none) |
Play an action from the Actions Palette.
dot(otherVector) |
Vector |
Vector |
Calculate the dot product.
duplicate() |
ArtLayer |
LayerSet |
duration(durationCalculator) |
Transition |
Transition |
Calculate per-element transition duration.
duration(durationMS) |
Transition |
Transition |
Specify transition duration for all elements.
each([type],func) |
Transition |
Transition |
Run a function on each element at the start or end of the transition.
each(func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Call a function for each element in the selection.
ease(easeType,[easeParam1],[easeParam2]) |
Transition |
Transition |
Specify easing method for all elements.
ease(easingFunction) |
Transition |
Transition |
Specify a custom easing function for all elements.
ease(easingType,[easeParam1],[easeParam2]) |
d3 |
Function |
Retrieve a predefined easing function.
empty() |
EnterSelection |
Boolean |
Test if there are any DOM elements in the selection.
empty() |
Selection |
Boolean |
Test if there are any DOM elements in the selection.
encode(str) |
File |
String |
Encode the input string according to RFC 2396.
encode(str) |
Folder |
String |
Encode the input string according to RFC 2396.
enter() |
Selection |
EnterSelection |
Return the array of placeholders for ‘missing’ elements associated with data.
equalize() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
equalize the levels
equals(otherRotation) |
Rotation |
Boolean |
Compare two rotation vectors for equivalence.
equals(otherVector) |
Vector |
Boolean |
Compare two vectors for equivalence.
equals(otherColor) |
Color |
Boolean |
Compare two colors for equivalence.
erase(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
erase a key from the descriptor
eval(str) |
Global |
(none) |
Evaluate the supplied string as ECMAScript code.
exec(sourceString) |
RegExp |
Array |
Run the regular expression against a string and return a single match.
execute() |
File |
Boolean |
Run or open the file.
executeAction(eventID,[descriptor],[displayDialogs]) |
Application |
ActionDescriptor |
Play an ActionManager event.
executeActionGet(reference) |
Application |
ActionDescriptor |
Obtain an action descriptor.
exit() |
Selection |
Selection |
Return the selection of elements no longer associated with data.
exit() |
Container |
(none) |
Quit the application.
exp(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the value of ex .
expand selection(by) |
Selection |
(none) |
exportDocument(exportIn,[exportAs],[options]) |
Document |
(none) |
feather(by) |
Selection |
(none) |
feather edges of selection
fill(fillType,[mode],[opacity],…) |
Selection |
(none) |
fills the selection
flatten() |
Document |
(none) |
flatten all layers in the document
flipCanvas(direction) |
Document |
(none) |
flip the canvas horizontally or vertically
flipX() |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
flipY() |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
floor(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return largest integer which is less than x (aka "round down").
focus() |
HTMLTextAreaElement |
(none) |
focus() |
HTMLSelectElement |
(none) |
focus() |
HTMLAnchorElement |
(none) |
focus() |
HTMLInputElement |
(none) |
forceRedraw() |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
fromCharCode([charCode0],[charCode1],[...]) |
String |
String |
Create a new string from a series of Unicode character values.
getAttribute(name) |
Element |
String |
getAttributeNode(name) |
Element |
Attr |
getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
Element |
Attr |
getAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
Element |
String |
getBBox() |
SVGLocatable |
SVGRect |
Get the bounding box of the element.
getBoolean(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Boolean |
get the value of a key of type boolean
getBoolean(index) |
ActionList |
Boolean |
get the value of an item of type boolean
getCharNumAtPosition(point) |
SVGTextContentElement |
Number |
getClass(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type class
getClass(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of an item of type class
getComputedStyle(elt,pseudoElt) |
ViewCSS |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
getComputedTextLength() |
SVGTextContentElement |
Number |
getContainer() |
ActionReference |
ActionReference |
getContext(timeContextName) |
Presentation |
TimeContext |
Get a TimeContext by name.
getCounterValue() |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
Counter |
getCTM() |
SVGLocatable |
SVGMatrix |
Return the Current Transformation Matrix for the element.
getCurrentTime() |
SVGAnimationElement |
Number |
getCurrentTime() |
SVGSVGElement |
Number |
getDate() |
Date |
Number |
Return the day number in the local timezone.
getDay() |
Date |
Number |
Return the zero-based weekday number in the local timezone.
getDesiredClass() |
ActionReference |
Number |
getDouble(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of an item of type double
getDouble(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type double
getElementById(elementId) |
SVGSVGElement |
Element |
getElementById(elementId) |
Document |
Element |
getElementsByName(elementName) |
HTMLDocument |
NodeList |
getElementsByTagName(name) |
Element |
NodeList |
getElementsByTagName(tagname) |
Document |
NodeList |
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
Document |
NodeList |
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
Element |
NodeList |
getEnclosureList(rect,referenceElement) |
SVGSVGElement |
NodeList |
Which elements are within the rect?
getEndPositionOfChar(charnum) |
SVGTextContentElement |
SVGPoint |
getEnumeratedType() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get type of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumeratedValue() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get value of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumerationType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the enumeration type of a key
getEnumerationType(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the enumeration type of an item
getEnumerationValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the enumeration value of a key
getEnumerationValue(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the enumeration value of an item
getExtentOfChar(charnum) |
SVGTextContentElement |
SVGRect |
getFiles([mask]) |
Folder |
Array |
Get all files and folders inside this folder.
getFloatValue(unitType) |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
Number |
getForm() |
ActionReference |
ReferenceFormType |
get form of ActionReference
getFullYear() |
Date |
Number |
Return the four-digit year in the local timezone.
getHours() |
Date |
Number |
Return the hour number in the local timezone.
getIdentifier() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get identifier value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Identifier'
getIndex() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get index value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Index'
getInteger(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of an item of type integer
getInteger(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type integer
getIntersectionList(rect,referenceElement) |
SVGSVGElement |
NodeList |
Returns the list of graphics elements whose rendered content intersects the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.
getItem(index) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
getItem(index) |
SVGLengthList |
SVGLength |
getItem(index) |
SVGNumberList |
SVGNumber |
getItem(index) |
SVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSeg |
getItem(index) |
SVGPointList |
SVGPoint |
getItem(index) |
SVGStringList |
String |
getKey(index) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get ID of the Nth key
getList(index) |
ActionList |
ActionList |
get the value of an item of type list
getList(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
ActionList |
get the value of a key of type list
getMilliseconds() |
Date |
Number |
Return the millisecond number in the local timezone.
getMinutes() |
Date |
Number |
Return the minute number in the local timezone.
getMonth() |
Date |
Number |
Return the zero-based month number in the local timezone.
getName() |
ActionReference |
String |
get name value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Name'
getNamedItem(name) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
getNumberOfChars() |
SVGTextContentElement |
Number |
getObjectType(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the class ID of an object in an item of type object
getObjectType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the class ID of an object in a key of type object
getObjectValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
ActionDescriptor |
get the value of a key of type object
getObjectValue(index) |
ActionList |
ActionDescriptor |
get the value of an item of type object
getOffset() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get offset value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Offset'
getOverrideStyle(elt,pseudoElt) |
DocumentCSS |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
getPath(index) |
ActionList |
File |
get the value of an item of type Alias
getPath(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
File |
get the value of a key of type Alias
getPathSegAtLength(distance) |
SVGPathElement |
Number |
getPointAtLength(distance) |
SVGPathElement |
SVGPoint |
getPresentationAttribute(name) |
SVGStylable |
CSSValue |
getProperty() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get property ID value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Property'
getPropertyCSSValue(propertyName) |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
CSSValue |
getPropertyPriority(propertyName) |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
String |
getPropertyValue(propertyName) |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
String |
getRectValue() |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
Rect |
getReference(index) |
ActionList |
ActionReference |
get the value of an item of type ActionReference
getReference(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
ActionReference |
get the value of a key of type ActionReference
getRelativeURI([basePath]) |
File |
String |
Calculate the path relative to another.
getRelativeURI([basePath]) |
Folder |
String |
Calculate the path relative to another.
getRGBColorValue() |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
RGBColor |
getRotationOfChar(charnum) |
SVGTextContentElement |
Number |
getScreenCTM() |
SVGLocatable |
SVGMatrix |
getSeconds() |
Date |
Number |
Return the second number in the local timezone.
getSimpleDuration() |
SVGAnimationElement |
Number |
getStartPositionOfChar(charnum) |
SVGTextContentElement |
SVGPoint |
getStartTime() |
SVGAnimationElement |
Number |
getString(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
String |
get the value of a key of type string
getString(index) |
ActionList |
String |
get the value of an item of type string
getStringValue() |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
String |
getSubStringLength(charnum,nchars) |
SVGTextContentElement |
Number |
getSVGDocument() |
GetSVGDocument |
SVGDocument |
getTime() |
Date |
Number |
Return the number of milliseconds since Midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
getTimezoneOffset() |
Date |
Number |
Returns the difference between the local time and UTC time in minutes.
getTotalLength() |
SVGPathElement |
Number |
getTransformToElement(element) |
SVGLocatable |
SVGMatrix |
getType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
DescValueType |
get the type of a key
getType(index) |
ActionList |
DescValueType |
get the type of an item
getUnitDoubleType(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the unit type of an item of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the unit type of a key of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of anm item of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type UnitDouble
getUTCDate() |
Date |
Number |
Return the day number in UTC.
getUTCDay() |
Date |
Number |
Return the zero-based weekday number in UTC.
getUTCFullYear() |
Date |
Number |
Return the four-digit year in UTC.
getUTCHours() |
Date |
Number |
Return the hour number in UTC.
getUTCMilliseconds() |
Date |
Number |
Return the millisecond number in UTC.
getUTCMinutes() |
Date |
Number |
Return the minute number in UTC.
getUTCMonth() |
Date |
Number |
Return the zero-based month number in UTC.
getUTCSeconds() |
Date |
Number |
Return the second number in UTC.
grow() |
Selection |
(none) |
grow selection to include all adjacent pixels falling within the specified toler44
hasAttribute(name) |
Element |
Boolean |
hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
Element |
Boolean |
hasAttributes() |
Node |
Boolean |
hasChildNodes() |
Node |
Boolean |
hasExtension(extension) |
SVGTests |
Boolean |
hasFeature(feature,version) |
DOMImplementation |
Boolean |
haskey(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Boolean |
does the descriptor contain the provided key?
hasOwnProperty(propertyOrMethodName) |
Object |
Boolean |
Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method.
html(func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the HTML content for elements in the selection based on data.
html() |
Selection |
String |
Get the innerHTML for a DOM element.
html(newHTML) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the HTML content for elements in the selection.
identity() |
Matrix |
(none) |
Turn to an identity matrix.
importAnnotations(file) |
Document |
(none) |
import annotations into the document
importNode(importedNode,deep) |
Document |
Node |
Imports a node from another document to this document.
indexOf(searchString,[position]) |
String |
String |
Find the offset of a substring within the string.
initEvent(eventTypeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg) |
Event |
(none) |
Initialize the event object prior to dispatching it.
initialize(newItem) |
SVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSeg |
initialize(newItem) |
SVGLengthList |
SVGLength |
initialize(newItem) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
initialize(newItem) |
SVGPointList |
SVGPoint |
initialize(newItem) |
SVGNumberList |
SVGNumber |
initMouseEvent(typeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg,…) |
MouseEvent |
(none) |
initMutationEvent(typeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg,…) |
MutationEvent |
(none) |
initUIEvent(typeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg,…) |
UIEvent |
(none) |
insert(tagName,beforeSelector) |
Selection |
String |
Create and insert new elements before existing ones, returning a selection of the new elements.
insert(tagName,beforeSelector) |
EnterSelection |
String |
Create and insert new elements before existing ones, returning a selection of the new elements.
insertBefore(newChild,refChild) |
Node |
Node |
insertCell(index) |
HTMLTableRowElement |
HTMLElement |
insertData(offset,arg) |
CharacterData |
(none) |
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) |
SVGLengthList |
SVGLength |
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) |
SVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSeg |
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) |
SVGStringList |
String |
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) |
SVGNumberList |
SVGNumber |
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) |
SVGPointList |
SVGPoint |
insertRow(index) |
HTMLTableElement |
HTMLElement |
insertRow(index) |
HTMLTableSectionElement |
HTMLElement |
insertRule(rule,index) |
CSSStyleSheet |
Number |
insertRule(rule,index) |
CSSMediaRule |
Number |
intersect(useBackface,globalOrigin,globalDirection,…) |
Model |
Number |
Does the model intersect the supplied vector?
inverse() |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
invert() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
invert the selection
invert() |
Matrix |
(none) |
Invert the matrix.
isBuffered(libraryResource) |
Presentation |
Boolean |
Is a Music/Video buffered yet?
isEqual(color) |
ActionDescriptor |
Boolean |
return true if the provided color is visually equal to this color
isFinite(num) |
Global |
Boolean |
Returns false if the supplied number is NaN , Infinity or -Infinity ; returns true otherwise.
isIdentity() |
Matrix |
Boolean |
Is this an identity matrix?
isNaN(num) |
Global |
Boolean |
Returns true if the supplied number is NaN , false otherwise.
isPrototypeOf(instanceToTest) |
Object |
Boolean |
Determines if the calling object prototype is in the inheritance chain for the supplied argument.
isSupported(feature,version) |
Node |
Boolean |
item(index) |
HTMLCollection |
Node |
item(index) |
StyleSheetList |
StyleSheet |
item(index) |
NodeList |
Node |
item(index) |
CSSRuleList |
CSSRule |
item(index) |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
String |
item(index) |
SVGElementInstanceList |
SVGElementInstance |
item(index) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
item(index) |
MediaList |
String |
item(index) |
CSSValueList |
CSSValue |
item(index) |
HTMLOptionsCollection |
Node |
join([separator]) |
Array |
String |
Returns a string representation of the array, separated by the delimiter of your choice.
lastIndexOf(searchString,[position]) |
String |
String |
The offset of a substring within the string.
launch(commandLine,flags) |
Container |
(none) |
Start a program, open a file.
length() |
Vector |
Number |
Length of the vector.
lengthSquared() |
Vector |
Number |
Length of the vector, squared.
linear(targetVector,weightFactor) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Move the rotation towards another rotation vector.
linear(targetColor,weightFactor) |
Color |
(none) |
Move the color towards another color.
linear(targetVector,weightFactor) |
Vector |
(none) |
Move the vector towards another vector.
link(with) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
link the layer with another layer
load(from,[combination],[inverting]) |
Selection |
(none) |
load the selection from a channel
localeCompare(compareString) |
String |
Number |
Compare the string to the argument in the current locale.
log(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the natural logarithm of x .
match(expr) |
String |
Array |
Run the supplied regular expression against the string and return an array of the results.
matrixTransform(matrix) |
SVGPoint |
SVGPoint |
max([value1],[value2],[...]) |
Math |
Number |
Return the largest of all arguments supplied.
maxVector(otherRotation) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Calculate the maximum rotation vector.
maxVector(otherVector) |
Vector |
(none) |
Calculate the maximum vector.
merge() |
Channel |
(none) |
merge a spot channel into the component channels
merge() |
LayerSet |
ArtLayer |
merge layerset
merge() |
ArtLayer |
ArtLayer |
merges the layer down. This will remove the layer from the document. The method returns a reference to the art layer that this layer is merged into
mergeVisibleLayers() |
Document |
(none) |
flatten all visible layers in the document
min([value1],[value2],[...]) |
Math |
Number |
Return the smallest of all arguments supplied.
minVector(otherVector) |
Vector |
(none) |
Calculate the minimum vector.
minVector(otherRotation) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Calculate the minimum rotation vector.
mixChannels([monochrome],outputChannels) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
only valid for RGB or CMYK documents
mouse(container) |
d3 |
Array |
Find x,y coordinates of the current mouse event relative to a container element.
moveAfter([destination]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moveBefore(destination) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moveToBeginning(destination) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moveToEnd(destination) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
multiply(otherMatrix) |
Matrix |
(none) |
Multiply two matrices.
multiply(secondMatrix) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
namedItem(name) |
HTMLOptionsCollection |
Node |
namedItem(name) |
HTMLCollection |
Node |
negative() |
Color |
(none) |
Negate the color.
newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType,valueInSpecifiedUnits) |
SVGAngle |
(none) |
newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType,valueInSpecifiedUnits) |
SVGLength |
(none) |
node() |
EnterSelection |
Element |
Find the first DOM element in the selection.
normalize() |
Node |
(none) |
normalize() |
Vector |
(none) |
Normalize the vector.
on(eventName,eventHandler,capturePhase) |
Selection |
Selection |
Retrieve the event listener for an event type.
on(eventName) |
Selection |
Selection |
Retrieve the event listener for an event type.
open(doc,[as]) |
Application |
Document |
Open the specified document.
open(mode,[type],[creator]) |
File |
Boolean |
Open the file for read/write operations.
open() |
HTMLDocument |
(none) |
order() |
Selection |
Selection |
Reorder the elements in the DOM to match the order of elements in the selection.
parse(dateString) |
Date |
Number |
Attempt to parse the supplied string as a date, and return the number of milliseconds it represents.
parseFloat(string) |
Global |
Number |
Attempt to convert a string into a number.
parseInt(string,[radix]) |
Global |
Number |
Attempt to convert a string into an integer number, using the specified base.
paste([intoSelection]) |
Document |
ArtLayer |
paste contents of clipbopard into the document
pause() |
TimeContext |
(none) |
Pause playback.
pause() |
Sound |
(none) |
Pause the sound.
pause() |
Music |
(none) |
Pause playback.
pause() |
Video |
(none) |
Pause playback.
pauseAnimations() |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
play() |
Music |
(none) |
Start playing the music.
play() |
TimeContext |
(none) |
Resume playback.
play() |
Sound |
(none) |
Starts/resumes playing the sound.
play() |
Video |
(none) |
Start playing the video.
pop() |
Array |
Object |
Remove the last element from the array and return it.
posterize(levels) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
pow(x,y) |
Math |
Number |
Return the value of raising x to the power y .
preventDefault() |
Event |
(none) |
print([postScriptEncoding],[sourceSpace],[printSpace],…) |
Document |
(none) |
print the document
property(name,func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set a DOM property for elements in the selection based on data.
property(name) |
Selection |
String |
Get the value of a DOM property.
property(name,value,[priority]) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set a DOM property for elements in the selection.
propertyIsEnumerable(propertyOrMethodName) |
Object |
Boolean |
Determines if the object/instance itself has a property or method of the supplied name which will appear in a for (prop in obj) enumeration.
purge(target) |
Application |
(none) |
Purges one or more caches.
push([item1],[item2],[...]) |
Array |
Number |
Adds one or more elements to the end of the array, returning the new length.
putBoolean(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putBoolean(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putClass(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putClass(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putClass([desiredClass]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putDouble(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putDouble(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putEnumerated(key,enumType,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putEnumerated(enumType,value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putEnumerated([desiredClass],[enumType],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putIdentifier([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putIndex([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putInteger(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putInteger(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putList(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putList(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putName([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putObject(classID,value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putObject(key,classID,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putOffset([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putPath(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putPath(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putProperty([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putReference(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putReference(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putString(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putString(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putUnitDouble(key,unitID,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putUnitDouble(unitID,value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
random() |
Math |
Number |
Return a floating-point random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
rasterize(target) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
rasterizeAllLayers() |
Document |
(none) |
rasterize all layers
read([chars]) |
File |
String |
Read the contents of the file.
readch() |
File |
String |
Read a single character.
readln() |
File |
String |
Read one line of text.
remove() |
Selection |
Selection |
Remove all elements in the selection from the document; returns the selection.
remove() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
remove([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) |
LayerSet |
(none) |
remove() |
Channel |
(none) |
remove() |
File |
Boolean |
Delete the file.
remove() |
Transition |
Transition |
Remove all elements in the selection from the document at the end of the transition.
remove(index) |
HTMLSelectElement |
(none) |
remove() |
Folder |
Boolean |
Delete the folder.
removeAll() |
LayerSets |
(none) |
removeAll() |
ArtLayers |
(none) |
removeAll() |
Layers |
(none) |
removeAll() |
Channels |
(none) |
removeAttribute(name) |
Element |
(none) |
removeAttributeNode(oldAttr) |
Element |
Attr |
removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
Element |
(none) |
removeChild(oldChild) |
Node |
Node |
removeChildren() |
Node |
(none) |
Remove all children from this node.
removeEventListener(type,listener,useCapture) |
EventTarget |
(none) |
removeItem(index) |
SVGNumberList |
SVGNumber |
removeItem(index) |
SVGLengthList |
SVGLength |
removeItem(index) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
removeItem(index) |
SVGPointList |
SVGPoint |
removeItem(index) |
SVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSeg |
removeItem(index) |
SVGStringList |
String |
removeNamedItem(name) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI,localName) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
removeProperty(propertyName) |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
String |
rename(newName) |
Folder |
Boolean |
Rename the folder.
rename(newName) |
File |
Boolean |
Rename the file.
replace(searchExpr,replaceExpr) |
String |
String |
Find and replace values in a string, and return the changed string.
replaceChild(newChild,oldChild) |
Node |
Node |
replaceData(offset,count,arg) |
CharacterData |
(none) |
replaceItem(newItem,index) |
SVGNumberList |
SVGNumber |
replaceItem(newItem,index) |
SVGLengthList |
SVGLength |
replaceItem(newItem,index) |
SVGPointList |
SVGPoint |
replaceItem(newItem,index) |
SVGTransformList |
SVGTransform |
replaceItem(newItem,index) |
SVGPathSegList |
SVGPathSeg |
replaceItem(newItem,index) |
SVGStringList |
String |
reset() |
HTMLFormElement |
(none) |
resize([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
resizeBoundary([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) |
Selection |
(none) |
scale the boundary of selection
resizeCanvas([width],[height],[anchor]) |
Document |
(none) |
change the size of the canvas
resizeImage([width],[height],[resolution],…) |
Document |
(none) |
change the size of the image
resolve() |
File |
File |
Find the original that the alias points to.
resolve() |
Folder |
Folder |
Find the original that the alias points to.
revealAll() |
Document |
(none) |
expand document to show clipped sections
reverse() |
Array |
Array |
Reverses the order of the elements in the array, and returns the array.
rotate(angle) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
rotate(angle,[anchor]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
rotate(x,y,z) |
Matrix |
(none) |
Rotate the matrix.
rotateBoundary(angle,[anchor]) |
Selection |
(none) |
rotates the boundary of selection
rotateCanvas(angle) |
Document |
(none) |
rotate canvas of document
rotateFromVector(x,y) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
round(x) |
Math |
Number |
Round a number to the closest integer.
saturation(saturationFactor) |
Color |
(none) |
Change the saturation of the color.
save() |
Document |
(none) |
save the document
saveAs(saveIn,[options],[asCopy],…) |
Document |
(none) |
save the document with specific save options
scale(scaleFactor) |
Vector |
(none) |
Scale the vector by a factor.
scale(scaleFactor) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Scale the rotation by a factor.
scale(x,y,z) |
Matrix |
(none) |
Scale the matrix.
scale(scaleFactor) |
Color |
(none) |
Scale the color.
scale(scaleFactor) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
scaleNonUniform(scaleFactorX,scaleFactorY) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
search(searchExpr) |
String |
Number |
Find the offset of a regular expression within the string.
seek(position) |
Sound |
(none) |
Move to a specific time in the sound.
seek(position) |
Video |
(none) |
Move to a specific time in the video.
seek(pos,mode) |
File |
Boolean |
Seek to a location in the file.
seek(position) |
Music |
(none) |
Move to a specific time in the music.
select() |
HTMLInputElement |
(none) |
select(selector) |
d3 |
Selection |
Select an element from the current document.
select(node) |
d3 |
Selection |
Select an element from the current document.
select(selectCalculator) |
Selection |
Selection |
Use a function to select a different element for each entry in the selection.
select(selector) |
Selection |
Selection |
Find the first descendant elements of the selection matching a selector.
select(selector) |
Transition |
Transition |
Create a sub-transition from the first descendant elements matching a selector.
select() |
HTMLTextAreaElement |
(none) |
select(region,[type],[feather],…) |
Selection |
(none) |
Select a new area.
selectAll(selectCalculator) |
Selection |
Selection |
Use a function to select multiple elements for each entry in the selection.
selectAll(nodes) |
d3 |
Selection |
Select multiple elements from the current document.
selectAll(selector) |
Transition |
Transition |
Create a sub-transition from the descendant elements matching a selector.
selectAll(selector) |
Selection |
Selection |
Select multiple elements for each entry in the selection.
selectAll(selector) |
d3 |
Selection |
Select multiple elements from the current document.
selectAll() |
Selection |
(none) |
selectBorder(width) |
Selection |
(none) |
select the border of the selection
selectiveColor(selectionMethod,[reds],[yellows],…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
selectSubString(charnum,nchars) |
SVGTextContentElement |
(none) |
setAttribute(name,value) |
Element |
(none) |
setAttributeNode(newAttr) |
Element |
Attr |
setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr) |
Element |
Attr |
setAttributeNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName,value) |
Element |
(none) |
setColor(colorType,rgbColor,iccColor) |
SVGColor |
(none) |
setCurrentTime(seconds) |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
setDate(day) |
Date |
Number |
Set the day number in the local timezone.
setFilterRes(filterResX,filterResY) |
SVGFilterElement |
(none) |
setFloatValue(unitType,floatValue) |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
(none) |
setFullYear(year,[month],[day]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the year, expressed in the local timezone.
setHours(hours,[mins],[secs],…) |
Date |
Number |
Set the hour number in the local timezone.
setMatrix(matrix) |
SVGTransform |
(none) |
setMilliseconds(ms) |
Date |
Number |
Set the millisecond number in the local timezone.
setMinutes(mins,[secs],[ms]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the minute number in the local timezone.
setMonth(month,[day]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the zero-based month, expressed in the local timezone.
setNamedItem(arg) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
setNamedItemNS(arg) |
NamedNodeMap |
Node |
setOrientToAngle(angle) |
SVGMarkerElement |
(none) |
setOrientToAuto() |
SVGMarkerElement |
(none) |
setPaint(paintType,uri,rgbColor,…) |
SVGPaint |
(none) |
setProperty(propertyName,value,priority) |
CSSStyleDeclaration |
(none) |
setRGBColor(rgbColor) |
SVGColor |
(none) |
setRGBColorICCColor(rgbColor,iccColor) |
SVGColor |
(none) |
setRotate(angle,cx,cy) |
SVGTransform |
(none) |
setScale(sx,sy) |
SVGTransform |
(none) |
setSeconds(second,[ms]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the second number in the local timezone.
setSkewX(angle) |
SVGTransform |
(none) |
setSkewY(angle) |
SVGTransform |
(none) |
setStdDeviation(stdDeviationX,stdDeviationY) |
SVGFEGaussianBlurElement |
(none) |
setStringValue(stringType,stringValue) |
CSSPrimitiveValue |
(none) |
setTime(time) |
Date |
Number |
Set the date object to a new time.
setTranslate(tx,ty) |
SVGTransform |
(none) |
setUri(uri) |
SVGPaint |
(none) |
setUTCDate(day) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC day number.
setUTCFullYear(year,[month],[day]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC year number.
setUTCHours(hours,[mins],[secs],…) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC hours.
setUTCMilliseconds([ms]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC milliseconds.
setUTCMinutes(mins,[secs],[ms]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC minutes.
setUTCMonth(month,[day]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC month.
setUTCSeconds(secs,[ms]) |
Date |
Number |
Set the UTC seconds.
shift() |
Array |
Object |
Removes the first element of the array and returns it.
similar(tolerance,antiAlias) |
Selection |
(none) |
grow selection to include pixels throughout the image falling within the tolerance range
sin(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the sine of x , in radians.
skewX(angle) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
skewY(angle) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
slice(start,[end]) |
String |
String |
Return a specified subsection of the string.
slice(start,[end]) |
Array |
Array |
Return a specified section of an array.
smooth(radius) |
Selection |
(none) |
sort(comparator) |
Selection |
Selection |
Sort the order of elements in the selection (and DOM) according to custom criteria.
sort([compareFunction]) |
Array |
Array |
Sort the array.
splice(start,deleteCount,[newItem1],…) |
Array |
Array |
Remove a section from the array and return it; optionally inserting new values in that place.
split([separator],[limit]) |
String |
Array |
Separate the string into pieces and return an array of the resulting substrings.
splitChannels() |
Document |
Array |
split channels of the document
splitText(offset) |
Text |
Text |
sqrt(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the square root of x .
startBuffering() |
Video |
(none) |
Start downloading and buffering the video.
startBuffering() |
Music |
(none) |
Start downloading and buffering the music.
stop() |
Video |
(none) |
Stop playing the video.
stop() |
Sound |
(none) |
Stop playing the sound.
stop() |
Music |
(none) |
Stop playing the music.
stopPropagation() |
Event |
(none) |
store(into,[combination]) |
Selection |
(none) |
save the selection as a channel
stringIDToTypeID(stringID) |
Application |
Number |
Convert from a string ID to a runtime ID.
stroke(strokeColor,width,[location],…) |
Selection |
(none) |
strokes the selection
style(name,func,[priority]) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set a CSS style property for elements in the selection based on data.
style(name,value,[priority]) |
Transition |
Transition |
Transition a CSS style to a new value.
style(name,func,[priority]) |
Transition |
Transition |
Transition a CSS style to a new value based on data.
style(name,value,[priority]) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set a CSS style property for elements in the selection.
style(name) |
Selection |
String |
Get the computed value of a CSS style property.
styleTween(name,tweenCalculator,[priority]) |
Transition |
Transition |
Transition a CSS style between two values.
submit() |
HTMLFormElement |
(none) |
substring(start,[end]) |
String |
String |
Return a specified subsection of the string.
substringData(offset,count) |
CharacterData |
String |
subtract(otherRotation) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Subtract a rotation amount.
subtract(otherColor) |
Color |
(none) |
Subtract two colors.
subtract(otherVector) |
Vector |
(none) |
Subtract a vector.
suspendRedraw(max_wait_milliseconds) |
SVGSVGElement |
Number |
swapMaterial(oldMaterialName,newMaterial) |
Model |
Material |
Use a new material in place of an existing material.
tan(x) |
Math |
Number |
Return the tangent of x , in radians.
tell() |
File |
Number |
Find position in file.
test(sourceString) |
RegExp |
Boolean |
Run the regular expression against a string; return true if a match exists, false otherwise.
text() |
Selection |
String |
Get the textContent for a DOM element.
text(func) |
Transition |
Transition |
Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
text(text) |
Transition |
Transition |
Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
text(newText) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the text content for elements in the selection.
text(func) |
Selection |
Selection |
Set the text content for elements in the selection based on data.
threshold(level) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
toDateString() |
Date |
String |
Return a string version of the date-only portion of the object.
toExponential([fractionDigits]) |
Number |
String |
Return the number formatted in scientific notation, with one digit before the decimal point and a specified number of digits after.
toFixed([fractionDigits]) |
Number |
String |
Return the number formatted with a specified number of digits after the decimal point.
toLocaleLowerCase() |
String |
String |
Return a locale-specific lowercase version of the string.
toLocaleString() |
Object |
String |
For most objects, the same as toString() unless explicitly overridden.
toLocaleUpperCase() |
String |
String |
Return a locale-specific uppercase version of the string.
toLowerCase() |
String |
String |
Return a lowercase version of the string.
toPrecision(precision) |
Number |
String |
Return the number as a string in either in fixed or exponential notation, with the specified number of digits.
toString() |
Object |
String |
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString([radix]) |
Number |
String |
Return the number as a string converted to a specified base.
toTimeString() |
Date |
String |
Return a string version of the time-only portion of the object.
touches(container) |
d3 |
Array |
Find multiple x,y coordinates of the current touch events relative to a container element.
toUpperCase() |
String |
String |
Return an uppercase version of the string.
toUTCString() |
Date |
String |
Returns a string form of the Date in a convenient, human-readable form in UTC.
transform(transformMatrix) |
Vector |
(none) |
Transform the vector by a matrix.
transform(transformMatrix) |
Rotation |
(none) |
Transform the rotation vector by a matrix.
transition() |
Selection |
Transition |
Start a new Transition for the selection.
transition(selection) |
d3 |
Transition |
Start an animated transition.
transition() |
Transition |
Transition |
Create a new concurrent transition on selection.
translate(x,y,z) |
Matrix |
(none) |
Translate the matrix.
translate([deltaX],[deltaY]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moves the position relative to its current position
translate(x,y) |
SVGMatrix |
SVGMatrix |
translateBoundary([deltaX],[deltaY]) |
Selection |
(none) |
moves the boundary of selection relative to its current position
transpose() |
Matrix |
(none) |
Transpose the matrix.
trap(width) |
Document |
(none) |
apply trap to a CMYK document
trim([type],[top],[left],…) |
Document |
(none) |
tween(name,tweenCalculator) |
Transition |
Transition |
Create a custom tween operator to run during the transition.
typeIDToCharID(typeID) |
Application |
String |
Convert from a runtime ID to a character ID.
typeIDToStringID(typeID) |
Application |
String |
Convert from a runtime ID to a string ID.
unlink() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
unlink the layer
unpauseAnimations() |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
unshift([newItem1],[newItem2],[...]) |
Array |
Number |
Insert items to the front of an array, and return the new length.
unsuspendRedraw(suspend_handle_id) |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
unsuspendRedrawAll() |
SVGSVGElement |
(none) |
UTC(year,month,[day],…) |
Date |
Number |
Return the number of milliseconds corresponding to the supplied arguments.
valueOf() |
Object |
String |
Returns the internal this value of the object.
write(str1,[str2],[...]) |
File |
Boolean |
Write string data to the file.
write(text) |
HTMLDocument |
(none) |
writeln(str1,[str2],[...]) |
File |
Boolean |
Write string data to the file.
writeln(text) |
HTMLDocument |
(none) |