
name of object returns description
abs(x) Math Number Return the absolute value of x.
acos(x) Math Number Return the arc cosine of x, in radians.
add(otherVector) Vector (none) Add on a vector.
add() LayerSets LayerSet
add(otherColor) Color (none) Add two colors.
add([width],[height],[resolution],…) Documents Document
add() Channels Channel
add(otherRotation) Rotation (none) Add on a rotation vector.
add(element,before) HTMLSelectElement (none)
add() ArtLayers ArtLayer
addEventListener(type,listener,useCapture) EventTarget (none)
adjustBrightnessContrast(brightness,contrast) ArtLayer (none) adjust brightness and constrast
adjustColorBalance([shadows],[midtones],[highlights],…) ArtLayer (none)
adjustCurves(curveShape) ArtLayer (none) adjust curves of the selected channels
adjustLevels(inputRangeStart,inputRangeEnd,inputRangeGamma,…) ArtLayer (none) adjust levels of the selected channels
alert(msg) Application (none) Display an alert dialog.
ance range(tolerance,antiAlias) Selection (none)
animationsPaused() SVGSVGElement Boolean
append(tagName) EnterSelection Selection Create and append new elements for all the placeholder entries, returning a new selection of the created elements.
append(tagName) Selection Selection Create and append new elements, returning a new selection of them.
appendChild(newChild) Node Node
appendData(arg) CharacterData (none)
appendItem(newItem) SVGLengthList SVGLength
appendItem(newItem) SVGPointList SVGPoint
appendItem(newItem) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
appendItem(newItem) SVGPathSegList SVGPathSeg
appendItem(newItem) SVGStringList String
appendItem(newItem) SVGNumberList SVGNumber
appendMedium(newMedium) MediaList (none)
apply([thisScope],[args]) Function Object Call the function/method, optionally setting a new scope for this and passing in parameters via an array.
applyAddNoise(amount,distribution,monochromatic) ArtLayer (none) apply the add noise filter
applyBlur() ArtLayer (none) apply the blur filter
applyBlurMore() ArtLayer (none) apply the blur more filter
applyClouds() ArtLayer (none) apply the clouds filter
applyCustomFilter(characteristics,scale,offset) ArtLayer (none) apply the custom filter
applyDeInterlace(eliminateFields,createFields) ArtLayer (none) apply the De-Interlace filter
applyDespeckle() ArtLayer (none) apply the despeckle filter
applyDifferenceClouds() ArtLayer (none) apply the difference clouds filter
applyDiffuseGlow(graininess,glowAmount,clearAmount) ArtLayer (none) apply the diffuse glow filter
applyDisplace(horizontalScale,verticalScale,displacementType,…) ArtLayer (none) apply the displace filter
applyDustAndScratches(radius,threshold) ArtLayer (none) apply the dust and scratches filter
applyGaussianBlur(radius) ArtLayer (none) apply the Gaussian blur filter
applyGlassEffect(distortion,smoothness,scaling,…) ArtLayer (none) apply the glass filter
applyHighPass(radius) ArtLayer (none) apply the high pass filter
applyLensFlare(brightness,flareCenter,lensType) ArtLayer (none) apply the lens flare filter
applyMaximum(radius) ArtLayer (none) apply the maximum filter
applyMedianNoise(radius) ArtLayer (none) apply the median noise filter
applyMinimum(radius) ArtLayer (none) apply the minimum filter
applyMotionBlur(angle,radius) ArtLayer (none) apply the motion blur filter
applyNTSC() ArtLayer (none) apply the NTSC colors filter
applyOceanRipple(size,magnitude) ArtLayer (none) apply the ocean ripple filter
applyOffset(horizontal,vertical,undefinedAreas) ArtLayer (none) apply the offset filter
applyPinch(amount) ArtLayer (none) apply the pinch filter
applyPolarCoordinates(conversion) ArtLayer (none) apply the polar coordinates filter
applyRadialBlur(amount,blurMethod,blurQuality) ArtLayer (none) apply the radial blur filter
applyRipple(amount,size) ArtLayer (none) apply the ripple filter
applySharpen() ArtLayer (none) apply the sharpen filter
applySharpenEdges() ArtLayer (none) apply the sharpen edges filter
applySharpenMore() ArtLayer (none) apply the sharpen more filter
applyShear(curve,undefinedAreas) ArtLayer (none) apply the shear filter
applySmartBlur(radius,threshold,blurQuality,…) ArtLayer (none) apply the smart blur filter
applySpherize(amount,mode) ArtLayer (none) apply the spherize filter
applyStyle(styleName) ArtLayer (none)
applyTextureFill(textureFile) ArtLayer (none) apply the texture fill filter
applyTwirl(angle) ArtLayer (none) apply the twirl filter
applyUnSharpMask(amount,radius,threshold) ArtLayer (none) apply the unsharp mask filter
applyWave(generatorNumber,minimumWavelength,maximumWavelength,…) ArtLayer (none) apply the wave filter
applyZigZag(amount,ridges,[style]) ArtLayer (none) apply the zigzag filter
atan(x) Math Number Return the arc tangent of x, in radians.
atan2(y,x) Math Number Return the arc tangent of the quotient y/x, where the signs of y and x are used to determine the quadrant of the result, in radians.
attach(assetObject) Asset (none) Attach the argument underneath the asset.
attach(layerObject) Scene (none) Attach a layer underneath the scene.
attr(name) Selection Selection Get attribute value.
attr(name,func) Transition Transition Transition an attribute value based on data.
attr(name,value) Selection Selection Set attribute to a value.
attr(name,value) Transition Transition Transition an attribute to a value.
attr(name,func) Selection Selection Set attribute value from data.
attrTween(name,tweenCalculator) Transition Transition Transition an attribute between two values.
autoContrast() ArtLayer (none) adjust contrast of the selected channels automatically
autoLevels() ArtLayer (none) adjust levels of the selected channels using auto levels option
beep() Application (none) Invoke a system beep.
blend(otherColor) Color (none) Blend two colors.
blur() HTMLAnchorElement (none)
blur() HTMLSelectElement (none)
blur() HTMLTextAreaElement (none)
blur() HTMLInputElement (none)
call() Selection Element Find the first DOM element in the selection.
call(func,[arg1],[arg2],…) Selection Selection Invoke a function, passing the selection and returning it.
call([thisScope],[arg1],[arg2],…) Function Object Call the function/method, optionally setting a new scope for this and passing in parameters.
call(func,[arg1],[arg2],…) Transition Transition Invoke a function, passing the transition and returning it.
ceil(x) Math Number Return smallest integer which is larger than x (aka "round up").
changeMode(destinationMode,[options]) Document (none) change the mode of the document
charAt(pos) String String Return the character at a particular index in the string.
charCodeAt(pos) String Number Return the Unicode value of the character at a particular index in the string.
charIDToTypeID(charID) Application Number Convert from a four character code to a runtime ID
checkEnclosure(element,rect) SVGSVGElement Boolean Is the element within a rectangular area?
checkIntersection(element,rect) SVGSVGElement Boolean Does the element intersect the rect?
classed(name,setFlag) Selection Selection Add/remove a CSS class from the selection.
classed(name) Selection Boolean Check to see if the selection has the specified class.
classed(name,func) Selection Selection Add/remove a CSS class from the selection based on data.
clear([merge]) ArtLayer (none) copy
clear() SVGPointList (none)
clear() SVGLengthList (none)
clear() ActionDescriptor (none) clear the descriptor
clear() ActionList (none) clear the list
clear() SVGTransformList (none)
clear() SVGPathSegList (none)
clear() Scene (none) Removes all layers from the scene.
clear() Selection (none) clear selection
clear() SVGNumberList (none)
clear() SVGStringList (none)
click() HTMLInputElement (none)
cloneNode(deep) Node Node Return a new copy of the node.
close() File Boolean Close the open File.
close() HTMLDocument (none)
close([saving]) Document (none) close the document
concat([string1],[string2],[...]) String String Append one or more strings to the current string, and return the result.
concat([item1],[item2],[...]) Array Array Concatenates one or more items or arrays onto the current array.
confirm(msg) Application Boolean Display a confirmation dialog.
consolidate() SVGTransformList SVGTransform
contract(by) Selection (none) contracts the selection
contrast(contrastFactor) Color (none) Increase/decrease contrast of the color.
convertProfile(destinationProfile,intent,[blackPointCompensation],…) Document (none) convert the document from using one color profile to using another
convertToShape() TextItem (none) converts the text item and its containing layer to a fill layer with the text changed to a clipping path
convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType) SVGAngle (none)
convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType) SVGLength (none)
copy([merge]) Selection (none) copy selection to the clipboard
copy() Rotation Rotation Return a copy of the rotation object.
copy(target) File Boolean Copy the file to the given location.
copy() Matrix Matrix Return a copy of the matrix object.
copy() Vector Vector Return a copy of the vector.
copy() Asset Asset Create a copy of the asset.
copy() Color Color Duplicate the color object.
cos(x) Math Number Return the cosine of x, in radians.
create() Folder Boolean Create a new folder.
createAttribute(name) Document Attr
createAttributeNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName) Document Attr
createCaption() HTMLTableElement HTMLElement
createCDATASection(data) Document CDATASection
createComment(data) Document Comment
createCSSStyleSheet(title,media) DOMImplementationCSS CSSStyleSheet
createDocument(namespaceURI,qualifiedName,doctype) DOMImplementation Document
createDocumentFragment() Document DocumentFragment
createDocumentType(qualifiedName,publicId,systemId) DOMImplementation DocumentType
createElement(tagName) Document DocumentFragment
createElementNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName) Document Element
createEntityReference(name) Document EntityReference
createEvent(eventType) DocumentEvent Event Creates and returns a new Event object.
createPath() TextItem (none) creates a work path based on the text item
createPrimitive(primitiveType,subType,resolution,…) Model (none) Create primitive geometry in the model.
createProcessingInstruction(target,data) Document ProcessingInstruction
createSVGAngle() SVGSVGElement SVGAngle
createSVGLength() SVGSVGElement SVGLength
createSVGMatrix() SVGSVGElement SVGMatrix
createSVGNumber() SVGSVGElement SVGNumber
createSVGPathSegArcAbs(x,y,r1,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegArcAbs
createSVGPathSegArcRel(x,y,r1,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegArcRel
createSVGPathSegClosePath() SVGPathElement SVGPathSegClosePath
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(x,y,x1,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(x,y,x1,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(x,y,x2,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs
createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(x,y,x2,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(x,y,x1,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(x,y,x1,…) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(x,y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs
createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(x,y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel
createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(x,y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegLinetoAbs
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(x) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs
createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(x) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel
createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(x,y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegLinetoRel
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs
createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel
createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(x,y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegMovetoAbs
createSVGPathSegMovetoRel(x,y) SVGPathElement SVGPathSegMovetoRel
createSVGPoint() SVGSVGElement SVGPoint Creates and returns a new SVGPoint object.
createSVGRect() SVGSVGElement SVGRect Creates and returns a new SVGRect element
createSVGTransform() SVGSVGElement SVGTransform
createSVGTransformFromMatrix(matrix) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
createSVGTransformFromMatrix(matrix) SVGSVGElement SVGTransform
createTextNode([data]) Document Text Create a new Text node, with optional content.
createTFoot() HTMLTableElement HTMLElement
createTHead() HTMLTableElement HTMLElement
crop(bounds,[angle],[width],…) Document (none) crop the document
cross(otherVector) Vector (none) Perform a cross-product on the vector.
cut() ArtLayer (none) cut current selection to the clipboard
data(dataValues,[keyCalculator]) Selection Selection Set the data array for the selection, computing the update, enter, and exit selections.
data(dataCalculator,[keyCalculator]) Selection Selection Set the data array for the selection based on existing data.
data() Selection Array Get the data array for the first group in the selection.
datum(value) Selection Selection Set the data associated with elements in the selection.
datum() Selection Object Return the data associated with the first element in the selection (if any).
datum(func) Selection Selection Set the data associated with elements in the selection based on existing data.
decode(str) File String Decode the input string according to RFC 2396.
decode(str) Folder String Decode the input string according to RFC 2396.
delay(delayCalculator) Transition Transition Calculate per-element transition delay.
delay(delayMS) Transition Transition Specify transition delay for all elements.
deleteCaption() HTMLTableElement (none)
deleteCell(index) HTMLTableRowElement (none)
deleteData(offset,count) CharacterData (none)
deleteMedium(oldMedium) MediaList (none)
deleteRow(index) HTMLTableSectionElement (none)
deleteRow(index) HTMLTableElement (none)
deleteRule(index) CSSStyleSheet (none)
deleteRule(index) CSSMediaRule (none)
deleteTFoot() HTMLTableElement (none)
deleteTHead() HTMLTableElement (none)
deselect() Selection (none) expand
deselectAll() SVGSVGElement (none)
detach(assetObject) Asset (none) Remove an asset from this asset.
detach(layerObject) Scene (none) Remove a layer from the scene.
dispatchEvent(evt) EventTarget Boolean Dispatches an event to the invoking object.
distance(otherVector) Vector Number Calculate the distance to another vector.
distanceSquared(otherVector) Vector Number Calculate the squared distance to another vector.
doAction(action,from) Application (none) Play an action from the Actions Palette.
dot(otherVector) Vector Vector Calculate the dot product.
duplicate() ArtLayer LayerSet
duration(durationCalculator) Transition Transition Calculate per-element transition duration.
duration(durationMS) Transition Transition Specify transition duration for all elements.
each([type],func) Transition Transition Run a function on each element at the start or end of the transition.
each(func) Selection Selection Call a function for each element in the selection.
ease(easeType,[easeParam1],[easeParam2]) Transition Transition Specify easing method for all elements.
ease(easingFunction) Transition Transition Specify a custom easing function for all elements.
ease(easingType,[easeParam1],[easeParam2]) d3 Function Retrieve a predefined easing function.
empty() EnterSelection Boolean Test if there are any DOM elements in the selection.
empty() Selection Boolean Test if there are any DOM elements in the selection.
encode(str) File String Encode the input string according to RFC 2396.
encode(str) Folder String Encode the input string according to RFC 2396.
enter() Selection EnterSelection Return the array of placeholders for ‘missing’ elements associated with data.
equalize() ArtLayer (none) equalize the levels
equals(otherRotation) Rotation Boolean Compare two rotation vectors for equivalence.
equals(otherVector) Vector Boolean Compare two vectors for equivalence.
equals(otherColor) Color Boolean Compare two colors for equivalence.
erase(key) ActionDescriptor (none) erase a key from the descriptor
eval(str) Global (none) Evaluate the supplied string as ECMAScript code.
exec(sourceString) RegExp Array Run the regular expression against a string and return a single match.
execute() File Boolean Run or open the file.
executeAction(eventID,[descriptor],[displayDialogs]) Application ActionDescriptor Play an ActionManager event.
executeActionGet(reference) Application ActionDescriptor Obtain an action descriptor.
exit() Selection Selection Return the selection of elements no longer associated with data.
exit() Container (none) Quit the application.
exp(x) Math Number Return the value of ex.
expand selection(by) Selection (none)
exportDocument(exportIn,[exportAs],[options]) Document (none)
feather(by) Selection (none) feather edges of selection
fill(fillType,[mode],[opacity],…) Selection (none) fills the selection
flatten() Document (none) flatten all layers in the document
flipCanvas(direction) Document (none) flip the canvas horizontally or vertically
flipX() SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
flipY() SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
floor(x) Math Number Return largest integer which is less than x (aka "round down").
focus() HTMLTextAreaElement (none)
focus() HTMLSelectElement (none)
focus() HTMLAnchorElement (none)
focus() HTMLInputElement (none)
forceRedraw() SVGSVGElement (none)
fromCharCode([charCode0],[charCode1],[...]) String String Create a new string from a series of Unicode character values.
getAttribute(name) Element String
getAttributeNode(name) Element Attr
getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI,localName) Element Attr
getAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) Element String
getBBox() SVGLocatable SVGRect Get the bounding box of the element.
getBoolean(key) ActionDescriptor Boolean get the value of a key of type boolean
getBoolean(index) ActionList Boolean get the value of an item of type boolean
getCharNumAtPosition(point) SVGTextContentElement Number
getClass(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the value of a key of type class
getClass(index) ActionList Number get the value of an item of type class
getComputedStyle(elt,pseudoElt) ViewCSS CSSStyleDeclaration
getComputedTextLength() SVGTextContentElement Number
getContainer() ActionReference ActionReference
getContext(timeContextName) Presentation TimeContext Get a TimeContext by name.
getCounterValue() CSSPrimitiveValue Counter
getCTM() SVGLocatable SVGMatrix Return the Current Transformation Matrix for the element.
getCurrentTime() SVGAnimationElement Number
getCurrentTime() SVGSVGElement Number
getDate() Date Number Return the day number in the local timezone.
getDay() Date Number Return the zero-based weekday number in the local timezone.
getDesiredClass() ActionReference Number
getDouble(index) ActionList Number get the value of an item of type double
getDouble(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the value of a key of type double
getElementById(elementId) SVGSVGElement Element
getElementById(elementId) Document Element
getElementsByName(elementName) HTMLDocument NodeList
getElementsByTagName(name) Element NodeList
getElementsByTagName(tagname) Document NodeList
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName) Document NodeList
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName) Element NodeList
getEnclosureList(rect,referenceElement) SVGSVGElement NodeList Which elements are within the rect?
getEndPositionOfChar(charnum) SVGTextContentElement SVGPoint
getEnumeratedType() ActionReference Number get type of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumeratedValue() ActionReference Number get value of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumerationType(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the enumeration type of a key
getEnumerationType(index) ActionList Number get the enumeration type of an item
getEnumerationValue(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the enumeration value of a key
getEnumerationValue(index) ActionList Number get the enumeration value of an item
getExtentOfChar(charnum) SVGTextContentElement SVGRect
getFiles([mask]) Folder Array Get all files and folders inside this folder.
getFloatValue(unitType) CSSPrimitiveValue Number
getForm() ActionReference ReferenceFormType get form of ActionReference
getFullYear() Date Number Return the four-digit year in the local timezone.
getHours() Date Number Return the hour number in the local timezone.
getIdentifier() ActionReference Number get identifier value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Identifier'
getIndex() ActionReference Number get index value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Index'
getInteger(index) ActionList Number get the value of an item of type integer
getInteger(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the value of a key of type integer
getIntersectionList(rect,referenceElement) SVGSVGElement NodeList Returns the list of graphics elements whose rendered content intersects the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.
getItem(index) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
getItem(index) SVGLengthList SVGLength
getItem(index) SVGNumberList SVGNumber
getItem(index) SVGPathSegList SVGPathSeg
getItem(index) SVGPointList SVGPoint
getItem(index) SVGStringList String
getKey(index) ActionDescriptor Number get ID of the Nth key
getList(index) ActionList ActionList get the value of an item of type list
getList(key) ActionDescriptor ActionList get the value of a key of type list
getMilliseconds() Date Number Return the millisecond number in the local timezone.
getMinutes() Date Number Return the minute number in the local timezone.
getMonth() Date Number Return the zero-based month number in the local timezone.
getName() ActionReference String get name value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Name'
getNamedItem(name) NamedNodeMap Node
getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI,localName) NamedNodeMap Node
getNumberOfChars() SVGTextContentElement Number
getObjectType(index) ActionList Number get the class ID of an object in an item of type object
getObjectType(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the class ID of an object in a key of type object
getObjectValue(key) ActionDescriptor ActionDescriptor get the value of a key of type object
getObjectValue(index) ActionList ActionDescriptor get the value of an item of type object
getOffset() ActionReference Number get offset value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Offset'
getOverrideStyle(elt,pseudoElt) DocumentCSS CSSStyleDeclaration
getPath(index) ActionList File get the value of an item of type Alias
getPath(key) ActionDescriptor File get the value of a key of type Alias
getPathSegAtLength(distance) SVGPathElement Number
getPointAtLength(distance) SVGPathElement SVGPoint
getPresentationAttribute(name) SVGStylable CSSValue
getProperty() ActionReference Number get property ID value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Property'
getPropertyCSSValue(propertyName) CSSStyleDeclaration CSSValue
getPropertyPriority(propertyName) CSSStyleDeclaration String
getPropertyValue(propertyName) CSSStyleDeclaration String
getRectValue() CSSPrimitiveValue Rect
getReference(index) ActionList ActionReference get the value of an item of type ActionReference
getReference(key) ActionDescriptor ActionReference get the value of a key of type ActionReference
getRelativeURI([basePath]) File String Calculate the path relative to another.
getRelativeURI([basePath]) Folder String Calculate the path relative to another.
getRGBColorValue() CSSPrimitiveValue RGBColor
getRotationOfChar(charnum) SVGTextContentElement Number
getScreenCTM() SVGLocatable SVGMatrix
getSeconds() Date Number Return the second number in the local timezone.
getSimpleDuration() SVGAnimationElement Number
getStartPositionOfChar(charnum) SVGTextContentElement SVGPoint
getStartTime() SVGAnimationElement Number
getString(key) ActionDescriptor String get the value of a key of type string
getString(index) ActionList String get the value of an item of type string
getStringValue() CSSPrimitiveValue String
getSubStringLength(charnum,nchars) SVGTextContentElement Number
getSVGDocument() GetSVGDocument SVGDocument
getTime() Date Number Return the number of milliseconds since Midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
getTimezoneOffset() Date Number Returns the difference between the local time and UTC time in minutes.
getTotalLength() SVGPathElement Number
getTransformToElement(element) SVGLocatable SVGMatrix
getType(key) ActionDescriptor DescValueType get the type of a key
getType(index) ActionList DescValueType get the type of an item
getUnitDoubleType(index) ActionList Number get the unit type of an item of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleType(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the unit type of a key of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(index) ActionList Number get the value of anm item of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(key) ActionDescriptor Number get the value of a key of type UnitDouble
getUTCDate() Date Number Return the day number in UTC.
getUTCDay() Date Number Return the zero-based weekday number in UTC.
getUTCFullYear() Date Number Return the four-digit year in UTC.
getUTCHours() Date Number Return the hour number in UTC.
getUTCMilliseconds() Date Number Return the millisecond number in UTC.
getUTCMinutes() Date Number Return the minute number in UTC.
getUTCMonth() Date Number Return the zero-based month number in UTC.
getUTCSeconds() Date Number Return the second number in UTC.
grow() Selection (none) grow selection to include all adjacent pixels falling within the specified toler44
hasAttribute(name) Element Boolean
hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) Element Boolean
hasAttributes() Node Boolean
hasChildNodes() Node Boolean
hasExtension(extension) SVGTests Boolean
hasFeature(feature,version) DOMImplementation Boolean
haskey(key) ActionDescriptor Boolean does the descriptor contain the provided key?
hasOwnProperty(propertyOrMethodName) Object Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method.
html(func) Selection Selection Set the HTML content for elements in the selection based on data.
html() Selection String Get the innerHTML for a DOM element.
html(newHTML) Selection Selection Set the HTML content for elements in the selection.
identity() Matrix (none) Turn to an identity matrix.
importAnnotations(file) Document (none) import annotations into the document
importNode(importedNode,deep) Document Node Imports a node from another document to this document.
indexOf(searchString,[position]) String String Find the offset of a substring within the string.
initEvent(eventTypeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg) Event (none) Initialize the event object prior to dispatching it.
initialize(newItem) SVGPathSegList SVGPathSeg
initialize(newItem) SVGLengthList SVGLength
initialize(newItem) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
initialize(newItem) SVGPointList SVGPoint
initialize(newItem) SVGNumberList SVGNumber
initMouseEvent(typeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg,…) MouseEvent (none)
initMutationEvent(typeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg,…) MutationEvent (none)
initUIEvent(typeArg,canBubbleArg,cancelableArg,…) UIEvent (none)
insert(tagName,beforeSelector) Selection String Create and insert new elements before existing ones, returning a selection of the new elements.
insert(tagName,beforeSelector) EnterSelection String Create and insert new elements before existing ones, returning a selection of the new elements.
insertBefore(newChild,refChild) Node Node
insertCell(index) HTMLTableRowElement HTMLElement
insertData(offset,arg) CharacterData (none)
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) SVGLengthList SVGLength
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) SVGPathSegList SVGPathSeg
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) SVGStringList String
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) SVGNumberList SVGNumber
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
insertItemBefore(newItem,index) SVGPointList SVGPoint
insertRow(index) HTMLTableElement HTMLElement
insertRow(index) HTMLTableSectionElement HTMLElement
insertRule(rule,index) CSSStyleSheet Number
insertRule(rule,index) CSSMediaRule Number
intersect(useBackface,globalOrigin,globalDirection,…) Model Number Does the model intersect the supplied vector?
inverse() SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
invert() ArtLayer (none) invert the selection
invert() Matrix (none) Invert the matrix.
isBuffered(libraryResource) Presentation Boolean Is a Music/Video buffered yet?
isEqual(color) ActionDescriptor Boolean return true if the provided color is visually equal to this color
isFinite(num) Global Boolean Returns false if the supplied number is NaN, Infinity or -Infinity; returns true otherwise.
isIdentity() Matrix Boolean Is this an identity matrix?
isNaN(num) Global Boolean Returns true if the supplied number is NaN, false otherwise.
isPrototypeOf(instanceToTest) Object Boolean Determines if the calling object prototype is in the inheritance chain for the supplied argument.
isSupported(feature,version) Node Boolean
item(index) HTMLCollection Node
item(index) StyleSheetList StyleSheet
item(index) NodeList Node
item(index) CSSRuleList CSSRule
item(index) CSSStyleDeclaration String
item(index) SVGElementInstanceList SVGElementInstance
item(index) NamedNodeMap Node
item(index) MediaList String
item(index) CSSValueList CSSValue
item(index) HTMLOptionsCollection Node
join([separator]) Array String Returns a string representation of the array, separated by the delimiter of your choice.
lastIndexOf(searchString,[position]) String String The offset of a substring within the string.
launch(commandLine,flags) Container (none) Start a program, open a file.
length() Vector Number Length of the vector.
lengthSquared() Vector Number Length of the vector, squared.
linear(targetVector,weightFactor) Rotation (none) Move the rotation towards another rotation vector.
linear(targetColor,weightFactor) Color (none) Move the color towards another color.
linear(targetVector,weightFactor) Vector (none) Move the vector towards another vector.
link(with) ArtLayer (none) link the layer with another layer
load(from,[combination],[inverting]) Selection (none) load the selection from a channel
localeCompare(compareString) String Number Compare the string to the argument in the current locale.
log(x) Math Number Return the natural logarithm of x.
match(expr) String Array Run the supplied regular expression against the string and return an array of the results.
matrixTransform(matrix) SVGPoint SVGPoint
max([value1],[value2],[...]) Math Number Return the largest of all arguments supplied.
maxVector(otherRotation) Rotation (none) Calculate the maximum rotation vector.
maxVector(otherVector) Vector (none) Calculate the maximum vector.
merge() Channel (none) merge a spot channel into the component channels
merge() LayerSet ArtLayer merge layerset
merge() ArtLayer ArtLayer merges the layer down. This will remove the layer from the document. The method returns a reference to the art layer that this layer is merged into
mergeVisibleLayers() Document (none) flatten all visible layers in the document
min([value1],[value2],[...]) Math Number Return the smallest of all arguments supplied.
minVector(otherVector) Vector (none) Calculate the minimum vector.
minVector(otherRotation) Rotation (none) Calculate the minimum rotation vector.
mixChannels([monochrome],outputChannels) ArtLayer (none) only valid for RGB or CMYK documents
mouse(container) d3 Array Find x,y coordinates of the current mouse event relative to a container element.
moveAfter([destination]) ArtLayer (none)
moveBefore(destination) ArtLayer (none)
moveToBeginning(destination) ArtLayer (none)
moveToEnd(destination) ArtLayer (none)
multiply(otherMatrix) Matrix (none) Multiply two matrices.
multiply(secondMatrix) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
namedItem(name) HTMLOptionsCollection Node
namedItem(name) HTMLCollection Node
negative() Color (none) Negate the color.
newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType,valueInSpecifiedUnits) SVGAngle (none)
newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType,valueInSpecifiedUnits) SVGLength (none)
node() EnterSelection Element Find the first DOM element in the selection.
normalize() Node (none)
normalize() Vector (none) Normalize the vector.
on(eventName,eventHandler,capturePhase) Selection Selection Retrieve the event listener for an event type.
on(eventName) Selection Selection Retrieve the event listener for an event type.
open(doc,[as]) Application Document Open the specified document.
open(mode,[type],[creator]) File Boolean Open the file for read/write operations.
open() HTMLDocument (none)
order() Selection Selection Reorder the elements in the DOM to match the order of elements in the selection.
parse(dateString) Date Number Attempt to parse the supplied string as a date, and return the number of milliseconds it represents.
parseFloat(string) Global Number Attempt to convert a string into a number.
parseInt(string,[radix]) Global Number Attempt to convert a string into an integer number, using the specified base.
paste([intoSelection]) Document ArtLayer paste contents of clipbopard into the document
pause() TimeContext (none) Pause playback.
pause() Sound (none) Pause the sound.
pause() Music (none) Pause playback.
pause() Video (none) Pause playback.
pauseAnimations() SVGSVGElement (none)
play() Music (none) Start playing the music.
play() TimeContext (none) Resume playback.
play() Sound (none) Starts/resumes playing the sound.
play() Video (none) Start playing the video.
pop() Array Object Remove the last element from the array and return it.
posterize(levels) ArtLayer (none)
pow(x,y) Math Number Return the value of raising x to the power y.
preventDefault() Event (none)
print([postScriptEncoding],[sourceSpace],[printSpace],…) Document (none) print the document
property(name,func) Selection Selection Set a DOM property for elements in the selection based on data.
property(name) Selection String Get the value of a DOM property.
property(name,value,[priority]) Selection Selection Set a DOM property for elements in the selection.
propertyIsEnumerable(propertyOrMethodName) Object Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has a property or method of the supplied name which will appear in a for (prop in obj) enumeration.
purge(target) Application (none) Purges one or more caches.
push([item1],[item2],[...]) Array Number Adds one or more elements to the end of the array, returning the new length.
putBoolean(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putBoolean(value) ActionList (none)
putClass(value) ActionList (none)
putClass(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putClass([desiredClass]) ActionReference (none)
putDouble(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putDouble(value) ActionList (none)
putEnumerated(key,enumType,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putEnumerated(enumType,value) ActionList (none)
putEnumerated([desiredClass],[enumType],[value]) ActionReference (none)
putIdentifier([desiredClass],[value]) ActionReference (none)
putIndex([desiredClass],[value]) ActionReference (none)
putInteger(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putInteger(value) ActionList (none)
putList(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putList(value) ActionList (none)
putName([desiredClass],[value]) ActionReference (none)
putObject(classID,value) ActionList (none)
putObject(key,classID,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putOffset([desiredClass],[value]) ActionReference (none)
putPath(value) ActionList (none)
putPath(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putProperty([desiredClass],[value]) ActionReference (none)
putReference(value) ActionList (none)
putReference(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putString(key,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putString(value) ActionList (none)
putUnitDouble(key,unitID,value) ActionDescriptor (none)
putUnitDouble(unitID,value) ActionList (none)
random() Math Number Return a floating-point random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
rasterize(target) ArtLayer (none)
rasterizeAllLayers() Document (none) rasterize all layers
read([chars]) File String Read the contents of the file.
readch() File String Read a single character.
readln() File String Read one line of text.
remove() Selection Selection Remove all elements in the selection from the document; returns the selection.
remove() ArtLayer (none)
remove([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) LayerSet (none) resize
remove() Channel (none)
remove() File Boolean Delete the file.
remove() Transition Transition Remove all elements in the selection from the document at the end of the transition.
remove(index) HTMLSelectElement (none)
remove() Folder Boolean Delete the folder.
removeAll() LayerSets (none)
removeAll() ArtLayers (none)
removeAll() Layers (none)
removeAll() Channels (none)
removeAttribute(name) Element (none)
removeAttributeNode(oldAttr) Element Attr
removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) Element (none)
removeChild(oldChild) Node Node
removeChildren() Node (none) Remove all children from this node.
removeEventListener(type,listener,useCapture) EventTarget (none)
removeItem(index) SVGNumberList SVGNumber
removeItem(index) SVGLengthList SVGLength
removeItem(index) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
removeItem(index) SVGPointList SVGPoint
removeItem(index) SVGPathSegList SVGPathSeg
removeItem(index) SVGStringList String
removeNamedItem(name) NamedNodeMap Node
removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI,localName) NamedNodeMap Node
removeProperty(propertyName) CSSStyleDeclaration String
rename(newName) Folder Boolean Rename the folder.
rename(newName) File Boolean Rename the file.
replace(searchExpr,replaceExpr) String String Find and replace values in a string, and return the changed string.
replaceChild(newChild,oldChild) Node Node
replaceData(offset,count,arg) CharacterData (none)
replaceItem(newItem,index) SVGNumberList SVGNumber
replaceItem(newItem,index) SVGLengthList SVGLength
replaceItem(newItem,index) SVGPointList SVGPoint
replaceItem(newItem,index) SVGTransformList SVGTransform
replaceItem(newItem,index) SVGPathSegList SVGPathSeg
replaceItem(newItem,index) SVGStringList String
reset() HTMLFormElement (none)
resize([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) ArtLayer (none)
resizeBoundary([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) Selection (none) scale the boundary of selection
resizeCanvas([width],[height],[anchor]) Document (none) change the size of the canvas
resizeImage([width],[height],[resolution],…) Document (none) change the size of the image
resolve() File File Find the original that the alias points to.
resolve() Folder Folder Find the original that the alias points to.
revealAll() Document (none) expand document to show clipped sections
reverse() Array Array Reverses the order of the elements in the array, and returns the array.
rotate(angle) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
rotate(angle,[anchor]) ArtLayer (none)
rotate(x,y,z) Matrix (none) Rotate the matrix.
rotateBoundary(angle,[anchor]) Selection (none) rotates the boundary of selection
rotateCanvas(angle) Document (none) rotate canvas of document
rotateFromVector(x,y) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
round(x) Math Number Round a number to the closest integer.
saturation(saturationFactor) Color (none) Change the saturation of the color.
save() Document (none) save the document
saveAs(saveIn,[options],[asCopy],…) Document (none) save the document with specific save options
scale(scaleFactor) Vector (none) Scale the vector by a factor.
scale(scaleFactor) Rotation (none) Scale the rotation by a factor.
scale(x,y,z) Matrix (none) Scale the matrix.
scale(scaleFactor) Color (none) Scale the color.
scale(scaleFactor) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
scaleNonUniform(scaleFactorX,scaleFactorY) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
search(searchExpr) String Number Find the offset of a regular expression within the string.
seek(position) Sound (none) Move to a specific time in the sound.
seek(position) Video (none) Move to a specific time in the video.
seek(pos,mode) File Boolean Seek to a location in the file.
seek(position) Music (none) Move to a specific time in the music.
select() HTMLInputElement (none)
select(selector) d3 Selection Select an element from the current document.
select(node) d3 Selection Select an element from the current document.
select(selectCalculator) Selection Selection Use a function to select a different element for each entry in the selection.
select(selector) Selection Selection Find the first descendant elements of the selection matching a selector.
select(selector) Transition Transition Create a sub-transition from the first descendant elements matching a selector.
select() HTMLTextAreaElement (none)
select(region,[type],[feather],…) Selection (none) Select a new area.
selectAll(selectCalculator) Selection Selection Use a function to select multiple elements for each entry in the selection.
selectAll(nodes) d3 Selection Select multiple elements from the current document.
selectAll(selector) Transition Transition Create a sub-transition from the descendant elements matching a selector.
selectAll(selector) Selection Selection Select multiple elements for each entry in the selection.
selectAll(selector) d3 Selection Select multiple elements from the current document.
selectAll() Selection (none)
selectBorder(width) Selection (none) select the border of the selection
selectiveColor(selectionMethod,[reds],[yellows],…) ArtLayer (none)
selectSubString(charnum,nchars) SVGTextContentElement (none)
setAttribute(name,value) Element (none)
setAttributeNode(newAttr) Element Attr
setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr) Element Attr
setAttributeNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName,value) Element (none)
setColor(colorType,rgbColor,iccColor) SVGColor (none)
setCurrentTime(seconds) SVGSVGElement (none)
setDate(day) Date Number Set the day number in the local timezone.
setFilterRes(filterResX,filterResY) SVGFilterElement (none)
setFloatValue(unitType,floatValue) CSSPrimitiveValue (none)
setFullYear(year,[month],[day]) Date Number Set the year, expressed in the local timezone.
setHours(hours,[mins],[secs],…) Date Number Set the hour number in the local timezone.
setMatrix(matrix) SVGTransform (none)
setMilliseconds(ms) Date Number Set the millisecond number in the local timezone.
setMinutes(mins,[secs],[ms]) Date Number Set the minute number in the local timezone.
setMonth(month,[day]) Date Number Set the zero-based month, expressed in the local timezone.
setNamedItem(arg) NamedNodeMap Node
setNamedItemNS(arg) NamedNodeMap Node
setOrientToAngle(angle) SVGMarkerElement (none)
setOrientToAuto() SVGMarkerElement (none)
setPaint(paintType,uri,rgbColor,…) SVGPaint (none)
setProperty(propertyName,value,priority) CSSStyleDeclaration (none)
setRGBColor(rgbColor) SVGColor (none)
setRGBColorICCColor(rgbColor,iccColor) SVGColor (none)
setRotate(angle,cx,cy) SVGTransform (none)
setScale(sx,sy) SVGTransform (none)
setSeconds(second,[ms]) Date Number Set the second number in the local timezone.
setSkewX(angle) SVGTransform (none)
setSkewY(angle) SVGTransform (none)
setStdDeviation(stdDeviationX,stdDeviationY) SVGFEGaussianBlurElement (none)
setStringValue(stringType,stringValue) CSSPrimitiveValue (none)
setTime(time) Date Number Set the date object to a new time.
setTranslate(tx,ty) SVGTransform (none)
setUri(uri) SVGPaint (none)
setUTCDate(day) Date Number Set the UTC day number.
setUTCFullYear(year,[month],[day]) Date Number Set the UTC year number.
setUTCHours(hours,[mins],[secs],…) Date Number Set the UTC hours.
setUTCMilliseconds([ms]) Date Number Set the UTC milliseconds.
setUTCMinutes(mins,[secs],[ms]) Date Number Set the UTC minutes.
setUTCMonth(month,[day]) Date Number Set the UTC month.
setUTCSeconds(secs,[ms]) Date Number Set the UTC seconds.
shift() Array Object Removes the first element of the array and returns it.
similar(tolerance,antiAlias) Selection (none) grow selection to include pixels throughout the image falling within the tolerance range
sin(x) Math Number Return the sine of x, in radians.
skewX(angle) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
skewY(angle) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
slice(start,[end]) String String Return a specified subsection of the string.
slice(start,[end]) Array Array Return a specified section of an array.
smooth(radius) Selection (none)
sort(comparator) Selection Selection Sort the order of elements in the selection (and DOM) according to custom criteria.
sort([compareFunction]) Array Array Sort the array.
splice(start,deleteCount,[newItem1],…) Array Array Remove a section from the array and return it; optionally inserting new values in that place.
split([separator],[limit]) String Array Separate the string into pieces and return an array of the resulting substrings.
splitChannels() Document Array split channels of the document
splitText(offset) Text Text
sqrt(x) Math Number Return the square root of x.
startBuffering() Video (none) Start downloading and buffering the video.
startBuffering() Music (none) Start downloading and buffering the music.
stop() Video (none) Stop playing the video.
stop() Sound (none) Stop playing the sound.
stop() Music (none) Stop playing the music.
stopPropagation() Event (none)
store(into,[combination]) Selection (none) save the selection as a channel
stringIDToTypeID(stringID) Application Number Convert from a string ID to a runtime ID.
stroke(strokeColor,width,[location],…) Selection (none) strokes the selection
style(name,func,[priority]) Selection Selection Set a CSS style property for elements in the selection based on data.
style(name,value,[priority]) Transition Transition Transition a CSS style to a new value.
style(name,func,[priority]) Transition Transition Transition a CSS style to a new value based on data.
style(name,value,[priority]) Selection Selection Set a CSS style property for elements in the selection.
style(name) Selection String Get the computed value of a CSS style property.
styleTween(name,tweenCalculator,[priority]) Transition Transition Transition a CSS style between two values.
submit() HTMLFormElement (none)
substring(start,[end]) String String Return a specified subsection of the string.
substringData(offset,count) CharacterData String
subtract(otherRotation) Rotation (none) Subtract a rotation amount.
subtract(otherColor) Color (none) Subtract two colors.
subtract(otherVector) Vector (none) Subtract a vector.
suspendRedraw(max_wait_milliseconds) SVGSVGElement Number
swapMaterial(oldMaterialName,newMaterial) Model Material Use a new material in place of an existing material.
tan(x) Math Number Return the tangent of x, in radians.
tell() File Number Find position in file.
test(sourceString) RegExp Boolean Run the regular expression against a string; return true if a match exists, false otherwise.
text() Selection String Get the textContent for a DOM element.
text(func) Transition Transition Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
text(text) Transition Transition Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
text(newText) Selection Selection Set the text content for elements in the selection.
text(func) Selection Selection Set the text content for elements in the selection based on data.
threshold(level) ArtLayer (none)
toDateString() Date String Return a string version of the date-only portion of the object.
toExponential([fractionDigits]) Number String Return the number formatted in scientific notation, with one digit before the decimal point and a specified number of digits after.
toFixed([fractionDigits]) Number String Return the number formatted with a specified number of digits after the decimal point.
toLocaleLowerCase() String String Return a locale-specific lowercase version of the string.
toLocaleString() Object String For most objects, the same as toString() unless explicitly overridden.
toLocaleUpperCase() String String Return a locale-specific uppercase version of the string.
toLowerCase() String String Return a lowercase version of the string.
toPrecision(precision) Number String Return the number as a string in either in fixed or exponential notation, with the specified number of digits.
toString() Object String Returns a string representation of the object.
toString([radix]) Number String Return the number as a string converted to a specified base.
toTimeString() Date String Return a string version of the time-only portion of the object.
touches(container) d3 Array Find multiple x,y coordinates of the current touch events relative to a container element.
toUpperCase() String String Return an uppercase version of the string.
toUTCString() Date String Returns a string form of the Date in a convenient, human-readable form in UTC.
transform(transformMatrix) Vector (none) Transform the vector by a matrix.
transform(transformMatrix) Rotation (none) Transform the rotation vector by a matrix.
transition() Selection Transition Start a new Transition for the selection.
transition(selection) d3 Transition Start an animated transition.
transition() Transition Transition Create a new concurrent transition on selection.
translate(x,y,z) Matrix (none) Translate the matrix.
translate([deltaX],[deltaY]) ArtLayer (none) moves the position relative to its current position
translate(x,y) SVGMatrix SVGMatrix
translateBoundary([deltaX],[deltaY]) Selection (none) moves the boundary of selection relative to its current position
transpose() Matrix (none) Transpose the matrix.
trap(width) Document (none) apply trap to a CMYK document
trim([type],[top],[left],…) Document (none)
tween(name,tweenCalculator) Transition Transition Create a custom tween operator to run during the transition.
typeIDToCharID(typeID) Application String Convert from a runtime ID to a character ID.
typeIDToStringID(typeID) Application String Convert from a runtime ID to a string ID.
unlink() ArtLayer (none) unlink the layer
unpauseAnimations() SVGSVGElement (none)
unshift([newItem1],[newItem2],[...]) Array Number Insert items to the front of an array, and return the new length.
unsuspendRedraw(suspend_handle_id) SVGSVGElement (none)
unsuspendRedrawAll() SVGSVGElement (none)
UTC(year,month,[day],…) Date Number Return the number of milliseconds corresponding to the supplied arguments.
valueOf() Object String Returns the internal this value of the object.
write(str1,[str2],[...]) File Boolean Write string data to the file.
write(text) HTMLDocument (none)
writeln(str1,[str2],[...]) File Boolean Write string data to the file.
writeln(text) HTMLDocument (none)