Transition in D3.js

A special type of selection where the operators apply smoothly over time rather than instantaneously.

For more information see

Inherits from:

Instance Properties

name type description
constructor Object A reference to the constructor class for the current object instance. [from Object]
length Number The number of items in the array. [from Array]
prototype Object The prototype for a class. [from Object]

Instance Methods

name returns description
attr(name,func) Transition Transition an attribute value based on data.
attr(name,value) Transition Transition an attribute to a value.
attrTween(name,tweenCalculator) Transition Transition an attribute between two values.
call(func,[arg1],[arg2],…) Transition Invoke a function, passing the transition and returning it.
concat([item1],[item2],[...]) Array Concatenates one or more items or arrays onto the current array. [from Array]
delay(delayMS) Transition Specify transition delay for all elements.
delay(delayCalculator) Transition Calculate per-element transition delay.
duration(durationMS) Transition Specify transition duration for all elements.
duration(durationCalculator) Transition Calculate per-element transition duration.
each([type],func) Transition Run a function on each element at the start or end of the transition.
ease(easingFunction) Transition Specify a custom easing function for all elements.
ease(easeType,[easeParam1],[easeParam2]) Transition Specify easing method for all elements.
hasOwnProperty(propertyOrMethodName) Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method. [from Object]
isPrototypeOf(instanceToTest) Boolean Determines if the calling object prototype is in the inheritance chain for the supplied argument. [from Object]
join([separator]) String Returns a string representation of the array, separated by the delimiter of your choice. [from Array]
pop() Object Remove the last element from the array and return it. [from Array]
propertyIsEnumerable(propertyOrMethodName) Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has a property or method of the supplied name which will appear in a for (prop in obj) enumeration. [from Object]
push([item1],[item2],[...]) Number Adds one or more elements to the end of the array, returning the new length. [from Array]
remove() Transition Remove all elements in the selection from the document at the end of the transition.
reverse() Array Reverses the order of the elements in the array, and returns the array. [from Array]
select(selector) Transition Create a sub-transition from the first descendant elements matching a selector.
selectAll(selector) Transition Create a sub-transition from the descendant elements matching a selector.
shift() Object Removes the first element of the array and returns it. [from Array]
slice(start,[end]) Array Return a specified section of an array. [from Array]
sort([compareFunction]) Array Sort the array. [from Array]
splice(start,deleteCount,[newItem1],…) Array Remove a section from the array and return it; optionally inserting new values in that place. [from Array]
style(name,value,[priority]) Transition Transition a CSS style to a new value.
style(name,func,[priority]) Transition Transition a CSS style to a new value based on data.
styleTween(name,tweenCalculator,[priority]) Transition Transition a CSS style between two values.
text(func) Transition Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
text(text) Transition Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
toLocaleString() String For most objects, the same as toString() unless explicitly overridden. [from Object]
toString() String Returns a string representation of the object. [from Object]
transition() Transition Create a new concurrent transition on selection.
tween(name,tweenCalculator) Transition Create a custom tween operator to run during the transition.
unshift([newItem1],[newItem2],[...]) Number Insert items to the front of an array, and return the new length. [from Array]
valueOf() String Returns the internal this value of the object. [from Object]

Methods that return a Transition

name of object description
attr(name,func) Transition Transition an attribute value based on data.
attr(name,value) Transition Transition an attribute to a value.
attrTween(name,tweenCalculator) Transition Transition an attribute between two values.
call(func,[arg1],[arg2],…) Transition Invoke a function, passing the transition and returning it.
delay(delayCalculator) Transition Calculate per-element transition delay.
delay(delayMS) Transition Specify transition delay for all elements.
duration(durationCalculator) Transition Calculate per-element transition duration.
duration(durationMS) Transition Specify transition duration for all elements.
each([type],func) Transition Run a function on each element at the start or end of the transition.
ease(easeType,[easeParam1],[easeParam2]) Transition Specify easing method for all elements.
ease(easingFunction) Transition Specify a custom easing function for all elements.
remove() Transition Remove all elements in the selection from the document at the end of the transition.
select(selector) Transition Create a sub-transition from the first descendant elements matching a selector.
selectAll(selector) Transition Create a sub-transition from the descendant elements matching a selector.
style(name,value,[priority]) Transition Transition a CSS style to a new value.
style(name,func,[priority]) Transition Transition a CSS style to a new value based on data.
styleTween(name,tweenCalculator,[priority]) Transition Transition a CSS style between two values.
text(func) Transition Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
text(text) Transition Set the text contents to a new value at the start of the transition.
transition(selection) d3 Start an animated transition.
transition() Selection Start a new Transition for the selection.
transition() Transition Create a new concurrent transition on selection.
tween(name,tweenCalculator) Transition Create a custom tween operator to run during the transition.