- AbstractView
- ActionDescriptor
- ActionList
- ActionReference
- AdjustmentReference - (enumeration object)
- AnchorPosition - (enumeration object)
- AntiAlias - (enumeration object)
- Application - The Adobe Photoshop application.
- ArtLayer - Any layer that can contain data.
- ArtLayers
- BitmapConversionOptions - settings related to changing the document mode to Bitmap
- BitmapConversionType - (enumeration object)
- BitmapHalfToneType - (enumeration object)
- BitsPerChannelType - (enumeration object)
- BlendMode - (enumeration object)
- BMPDepthType - (enumeration object)
- BMPSaveOptions - Settings for saving a BMP file.
- ByteOrder - (enumeration object)
- Case - (enumeration object)
- ChangeMode - (enumeration object)
- Channel - A channel in a document.
- Channels - Channels of the document.
- ChannelType - (enumeration object)
- CMYKColor - A color specified in CMYK.
- ColorBlendMode - (enumeration object)
- ColorModel - (enumeration object)
- ColorPicker - (enumeration object)
- ColorProfile - (enumeration object)
- CopyrightedType - (enumeration object)
- Counter
- CreateFields - (enumeration object)
- CSS2Properties
- CSSRule - The CSSRule interface is the abstract base interface for any type of CSS statement.
- CSSRuleList
- CSSStyleDeclaration
- CSSValue
- DCS1_SaveOptions - Settings for saving a Photoshop DCS 1.0 document
- DCS2_SaveOptions - Settings for saving a Photoshop DCS 2.0 document
- DCSType - (enumeration object)
- DescValueType - (enumeration object)
- DialogModes - (enumeration object)
- Direction - (enumeration object)
- DisplacementMapType - (enumeration object)
- Dither - (enumeration object)
- Document - An open Photoshop document.
- DocumentEvent - Interface for the 'document' used to create events.
- DocumentFill - (enumeration object)
- DocumentInfo - Information about a Document.
- DocumentMode - (enumeration object)
- Documents - A collection of Document objects.
- DocumentStyle
- DocumentView
- DOMException - The DOMException interface defines error codes for specific processing situations.
- DOMImplementation - The DOMImplementation interface represents the current implementation of the DOM.
- ElementCSSInlineStyle
- EliminateFields - (enumeration object)
- EPSOpenOptions - Setttings related to opening a generic EPS document.
- EPSSaveOptions - Settings for saving an EPS file.
- Event - The base class from which event instances inherit.
- MutationEvent - Provides contextual information associated with a specific Mutation event.
- SVGEvent
- UIEvent - Provides contextual information associated with a specific User Interface event.
- MouseEvent - Provides contextual information associated with a specific Mouse event.
- SVGZoomEvent
- EventException
- EventListener - Interface for objects which catch events.
- EventTarget - Interface inherited by all Nodes in a document which supports event handling.
- Node - The Node interface represents a single node in the document tree.
- Attr - The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Element object.
- CharacterData - The Character Data interface is the base class for all textual content nodes.
- Comment - The Comment interface represents the content of a comment.
- Text - The Text interface represents the textual content of an Element or Attr.
- CDATASection - CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
- Document - The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
- DocumentFragment - The DocumentFragment interface represents a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object.
- DocumentType - The DocumentType interface represents general entities and notations declared in the document type definition
- Element - The Element interface represents an element in an HTML or XML document.
- HTMLElement
- HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAppletElement
- HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLBaseElement
- HTMLBaseFontElement
- HTMLBodyElement
- HTMLBRElement
- HTMLButtonElement
- HTMLDirectoryElement
- HTMLDivElement
- HTMLDListElement
- HTMLFieldSetElement
- HTMLFontElement
- HTMLFormElement
- HTMLFrameElement
- HTMLFrameSetElement
- HTMLHeadElement
- HTMLHeadingElement
- HTMLHRElement
- HTMLHtmlElement
- HTMLIFrameElement - Corresponds to a HTML
element. - HTMLImageElement
- HTMLInputElement
- HTMLIsIndexElement
- HTMLLabelElement
- HTMLLegendElement
- HTMLLIElement
- HTMLLinkElement
- HTMLMapElement
- HTMLMenuElement
- HTMLMetaElement
- HTMLModElement
- HTMLObjectElement
- HTMLOListElement
- HTMLOptGroupElement
- HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLParagraphElement
- HTMLParamElement
- HTMLPreElement
- HTMLQuoteElement
- HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLStyleElement
- HTMLTableCaptionElement
- HTMLTableCellElement
- HTMLTableColElement
- HTMLTableElement
- HTMLTableRowElement
- HTMLTableSectionElement
- HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTitleElement
- HTMLUListElement
- SVGElement - Generic interface/class from which other elements inherit.
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGAltGlyphDefElement
- SVGAltGlyphItemElement
- SVGAnimationElement
- SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGClipPathElement
- SVGColorProfileElement
- SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement
- SVGCursorElement
- SVGDefinitionSrcElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGDescElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGFEBlendElement
- SVGFEColorMatrixElement
- SVGFEComponentTransferElement
- SVGFECompositeElement
- SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement
- SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement
- SVGFEDisplacementMapElement
- SVGFEDistantLightElement
- SVGFEFloodElement
- SVGFEGaussianBlurElement
- SVGFEImageElement
- SVGFEMergeElement
- SVGFEMergeNodeElement
- SVGFEMorphologyElement
- SVGFEOffsetElement
- SVGFEPointLightElement
- SVGFESpecularLightingElement
- SVGFESpotLightElement
- SVGFETileElement
- SVGFETurbulenceElement
- SVGFilterElement
- SVGFontElement
- SVGFontFaceElement
- SVGFontFaceFormatElement
- SVGFontFaceNameElement
- SVGFontFaceSrcElement
- SVGFontFaceUriElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGGlyphElement
- SVGGlyphRefElement
- SVGGradientElement
- SVGHKernElement
- SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMarkerElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGMetadataElement
- SVGMissingGlyphElement
- SVGMPathElement
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGScriptElement
- SVGStopElement
- SVGStyleElement
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGTitleElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGViewElement
- SVGVKernElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- HTMLElement
- Entity - The Entity interface represents an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.
- EntityReference - The EntityReference interface represents an entity reference in the source document.
- Notation - The Notation interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.
- ProcessingInstruction - The ProcessingInstruction interface represents a processing instruction in the document.
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGAnimationElement
- SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGDefsElement
- SVGElementInstance
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGUseElement
- Node - The Node interface represents a single node in the document tree.
- ExportOptionsIllustrator - Settings related to exporting Illustrator paths.
- ExportType - (enumeration object)
- Extension - (enumeration object)
- File - Represents a file on disk.
- Folder - Represents a folder/directory on disk.
- ForcedColors - (enumeration object)
- FormatOptions - (enumeration object)
- GetSVGDocument - Interface specified in SVG1.0, existing solely for its single getSVGDocument() method.
- GIFSaveOptions - Settings for saving a GIF file.
- Global - The global object
- GrayColor - A color specified by its black value.
- GridLineStyle - (enumeration object)
- GridSize - (enumeration object)
- GuideLineStyle - (enumeration object)
- HistoryState - A history state for the document.
- HistoryStates - History states associated with the document.
- HSBColor - A color specified in HSB.
- HTMLCollection
- HTMLOptionsCollection
- IllustratorPathType - (enumeration object)
- IndexedConversionOptions - Settings related to changing the document mode to be Indexed Color.
- Infinity - The static value "Infinity"
- Intent - (enumeration object)
- JavaScriptExecutionMode - (enumeration object)
- JPEGSaveOptions - Settings for saving a JPEG file.
- Justification - (enumeration object)
- LabColor - A color specified in Lab.
- Language - (enumeration object)
- LayerCompression - (enumeration object)
- LayerKind - (enumeration object)
- Layers - A collection of Layer objects.
- LayerSet - A layer set.
- LayerSets - A collection of LayerSet objects.
- LensType - (enumeration object)
- LinkStyle
- MatteType - (enumeration object)
- MediaList
- NamedNodeMap - The NamedNodeMap interface represents a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name.
- NaN - The static value Not a Number
- NewDocumentMode - (enumeration object)
- NodeList - The NodeList interface represents an ordered collecition of nodes.
- NoiseDistribution - (enumeration object)
- Object - A generic object.
- Array - A sparse array.
- EnterSelection - Array of placeholder items with special D3 methods.
- Selection - Array of DOM elements with special D3 methods.
- Transition - A special type of selection where the operators apply smoothly over time rather than instantaneously.
- Asset - Base object for all nonutility classes.
- Behavior - Represents a script behavior that can be attached to objects.
- Image - Image used as a texture map for a Material.
- Material - The surface material for a model.
- Music - Song or music clip.
- Node - Inheritance class specifying common functionality for various objects.
- Video - Video file for use in a Layer or Material.
- Boolean - Holds true/false values.
- Collection - A collection of items, accessible by index or name.
- Color - An RGBA color.
- Container - Holds information about the application showing the presentation.
- d3 - D3.js namespace object, providing bootstrapping and common methods.
- Date - Date/time value.
- Error - Object to hold information about errors.
- Function - The object representing functions and methods.
- Key - Holds information about key presses.
- Math - A global, non-instantiable object which holds certain math-related functions and values.
- Matrix - A 4x4 matrix.
- Mouse - Holds information related to the mouse.
- Number - Basic object.
- Player - Holds information about the playback environment.
- Presentation - Represents the presentation.
- RegExp - Object representing a regular expression.
- Rotation - Specifies rotation direction.
- Scene - Root object representing the scene.
- String - Basic object.
- TimeContext - Time context for objects in the scene or component.
- Vector - X/Y/Z location.
- Window - Holds information about the size of the presentation.
- Array - A sparse array.
- OffsetUndefinedAreas - (enumeration object)
- OpenDocumentMode - (enumeration object)
- OpenDocumentType - (enumeration object)
- OperatingSystem - (enumeration object)
- Orientation - (enumeration object)
- OtherPaintingCursors - (enumeration object)
- PaintingCursors - (enumeration object)
- Palette - (enumeration object)
- PDFEncoding - (enumeration object)
- PDFOpenOptions - Settings related to opening a generic PDF document.
- PDFSaveOptions - Settings for saving a PDF file.
- PhotoCDColorSpace - (enumeration object)
- PhotoCDOpenOptions - Settings related to opening a PhotoCD document.
- PhotoCDSize - (enumeration object)
- PhotoshopSaveOptions - Settings for saving a Photoshop file.
- PICTBitsPerPixels - (enumeration object)
- PICTCompression - (enumeration object)
- PICTFileSaveOptions - Settings for saving a PICT file.
- PICTResourceSaveOptions - Settings for saving a PICT resource file.
- PixarSaveOptions - Settings for saving a Pixar file.
- PNGSaveOptions - Settings for saving a PNG file.
- PointType - (enumeration object)
- PolarConversionType - (enumeration object)
- Preferences - Preferences for Photoshop
- Preview - (enumeration object)
- PrintEncoding - (enumeration object)
- PurgeTarget - (enumeration object)
- RadialBlurMethod - (enumeration object)
- RadialBlurQuality - (enumeration object)
- RasterizeType - (enumeration object)
- RawFormatOpenOptions - Settings related to opening a raw format document.
- RawSaveOptions - Settings for saving a file in raw format.
- Rect
- RedoKey - (enumeration object)
- ReferenceFormType - (enumeration object)
- ResampleMethod - (enumeration object)
- ResetTarget - (enumeration object)
- RGBColor - A color specified in RGB.
- RGBColor
- RippleSize - (enumeration object)
- SaveBehavior - (enumeration object)
- SaveDocumentType - (enumeration object)
- SaveEncoding - (enumeration object)
- SaveOptions - (enumeration object)
- Selection - The selection of the document.
- SelectionType - (enumeration object)
- SGIRGBSaveOptions - Settings for saving a SGI RGB file.
- SmartBlurMode - (enumeration object)
- SmartBlurQuality - (enumeration object)
- smil::ElementTimeControl - This object is outside the scope of the language, and documentation for it is not yet available.
- SolidColor - A color value.
- SourceSpaceType - (enumeration object)
- SpherizeMode - (enumeration object)
- StrokeLocation - (enumeration object)
- StyleSheet
- StyleSheetList
- SVGAngle
- SVGAnimatedAngle
- SVGAnimatedBoolean
- SVGAnimatedEnumeration
- SVGAnimatedInteger
- SVGAnimatedLength
- SVGAnimatedLengthList
- SVGAnimatedNumber
- SVGAnimatedNumberList
- SVGAnimatedPathData
- SVGAnimatedPoints
- SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio
- SVGAnimatedRect
- SVGAnimatedString
- SVGAnimatedTransformList
- SVGElementInstanceList
- SVGException
- SVGExternalResourcesRequired
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGAnimationElement
- SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGClipPathElement
- SVGCursorElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGFEImageElement
- SVGFilterElement
- SVGFontElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGGradientElement
- SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMarkerElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGMPathElement
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGScriptElement
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGViewElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- SVGFitToViewBox
- SVGLangSpace
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGClipPathElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGDescElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGFEImageElement
- SVGFilterElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMarkerElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGStyleElement
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGTitleElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- SVGLength
- SVGLengthList
- SVGLocatable
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGTransformable
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGClipPathElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGSwitchElement
- SVGTextElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- SVGMatrix
- SVGNumber
- SVGNumberList
- SVGPathSeg
- SVGPathSegArcAbs
- SVGPathSegArcRel
- SVGPathSegClosePath
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel
- SVGPathSegLinetoAbs
- SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs
- SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel
- SVGPathSegLinetoRel
- SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs
- SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel
- SVGPathSegMovetoAbs
- SVGPathSegMovetoRel
- SVGPathSegList
- SVGPoint
- SVGPointList
- SVGPreserveAspectRatio
- SVGRect - A simple object with four properties, used to represent a rectangle.
- SVGRenderingIntent
- SVGStringList
- SVGStylable
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGAnimateColorElement
- SVGAnimateElement
- SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGClipPathElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGDescElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGFilterElement
- SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
- SVGFEBlendElement
- SVGFEColorMatrixElement
- SVGFEComponentTransferElement
- SVGFECompositeElement
- SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement
- SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement
- SVGFEDisplacementMapElement
- SVGFEFloodElement
- SVGFEGaussianBlurElement
- SVGFEImageElement
- SVGFEMergeElement
- SVGFEMorphologyElement
- SVGFEOffsetElement
- SVGFESpecularLightingElement
- SVGFETileElement
- SVGFETurbulenceElement
- SVGFontElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGGlyphElement
- SVGGlyphRefElement
- SVGGradientElement
- SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMarkerElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGMissingGlyphElement
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGStopElement
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGTitleElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- SVGTests
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGAnimationElement
- SVGCircleElement - Corresponds to the
<circle ... />
element. - SVGClipPathElement
- SVGCursorElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGForeignObjectElement
- SVGGElement - Corresponds to the
element for grouping together related graphics elements. - SVGImageElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGRectElement - Represents a
<rect ... />
element. - SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- SVGTransform
- SVGTransformList
- SVGUnitTypes
- SVGURIReference
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
<a xlink:href="..."/>
element, for creating hyperlinks. - SVGAltGlyphElement
- SVGColorProfileElement
- SVGCursorElement
- SVGFEImageElement
- SVGFilterElement
- SVGGlyphRefElement
- SVGGradientElement
- SVGImageElement
- SVGMPathElement
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGScriptElement
- SVGTextPathElement
- SVGTRefElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGAElement - Corresponds to the
- SVGZoomAndPan
- TargaBitsPerPixels - (enumeration object)
- TargaSaveOptions - Settings for saving a Targa file.
- TextComposer - (enumeration object)
- TextItem - The text contained in an ArtLayer
- TextType - (enumeration object)
- TextureType - (enumeration object)
- TIFFEncoding - (enumeration object)
- TiffSaveOptions - Settings for saving a TIFF file.
- TrimType - (enumeration object)
- TypeUnits - (enumeration object)
- undefined - The static value "undefined"
- UndefinedAreas - (enumeration object)
- Units - (enumeration object)
- Urgency - (enumeration object)
- WarpStyle - (enumeration object)
- WaveType - (enumeration object)
- ZigZagType - (enumeration object)