myString.slice( start, [ end ] ) in ECMAScript 262

Return a specified subsection of the string.


start Number The index to start from.
end Number [optional] The index to stop before.
Return Type


This method creates a new string and copies the characters from the start index up to (but not including) the end index.

If end is omitted, the copying continues from the start to the end of the string.

If either start or end are negative, they are treated as offsets from the end of the string.

If end occurs before (or is the same as) start, an empty string is returned.

var msg = "Hello World";
var s1 = msg.slice(0,3);  // ** s1 is "Hel"
var s2 = msg.slice(6,10); // ** s2 is "Worl"
var s3 = msg.slice(-3);   // ** s3 is "rld"
var s4 = msg.slice(0,-2); // ** s4 is "Hello Wor"
var s5 = msg.slice(3);    // ** s5 is "lo World"