myObject.hasOwnProperty( propertyOrMethodName ) in ECMAScript 262

Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method.


propertyOrMethodName String The name of the property or me
Return Type


This method returns true of the specific object instance or prototype has a property or method with the name specified. The inheritance chain is not searched. The following example illustrates this:
function Person(){ ... }
Person.prototype.breathe=function(){ ... }
var fredAstaire = new Person(); = function(){ ... }

if (Person.prototype.hasOwnProperty('breathe')){
	// this code will execute...the above call will return true
if (fredAstaire.hasOwnProperty('breathe')){
	// this code will NOT execute...
	// fredAstaire knows how to 'breathe', but this is an inherited method
if (fredAstaire.hasOwnProperty('dance')){
	// this code will execute...the above call will return true
if (Person.prototype.hasOwnProperty('dance')){
	// this code will NOT execute...
	// not every Person knows how to dance

A common usage of this method is when iterating all properties/methods of an object instance, to only do something if the property/method is on the instance itself and not inherited:

for ( var propName in someObj ){
   if ( someObj.hasOwnProperty( propName ) ){