ActionDescriptor in Photoshop DOM

(no overview available)

Instance Properties

name type description
count Number (read only) The number of keys contained in the descriptor
typename String (read only)

Instance Methods

name returns description
clear() (none) clear the descriptor
erase(key) (none) erase a key from the descriptor
getBoolean(key) Boolean get the value of a key of type boolean
getClass(key) Number get the value of a key of type class
getDouble(key) Number get the value of a key of type double
getEnumerationType(key) Number get the enumeration type of a key
getEnumerationValue(key) Number get the enumeration value of a key
getInteger(key) Number get the value of a key of type integer
getKey(index) Number get ID of the Nth key
getList(key) ActionList get the value of a key of type list
getObjectType(key) Number get the class ID of an object in a key of type object
getObjectValue(key) ActionDescriptor get the value of a key of type object
getPath(key) File get the value of a key of type Alias
getReference(key) ActionReference get the value of a key of type ActionReference
getString(key) String get the value of a key of type string
getType(key) DescValueType get the type of a key
getUnitDoubleType(key) Number get the unit type of a key of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(key) Number get the value of a key of type UnitDouble
haskey(key) Boolean does the descriptor contain the provided key?
isEqual(color) Boolean return true if the provided color is visually equal to this color
putBoolean(key,value) (none)
putClass(key,value) (none)
putDouble(key,value) (none)
putEnumerated(key,enumType,value) (none)
putInteger(key,value) (none)
putList(key,value) (none)
putObject(key,classID,value) (none)
putPath(key,value) (none)
putReference(key,value) (none)
putString(key,value) (none)
putUnitDouble(key,unitID,value) (none)

Methods that return a ActionDescriptor

name of object description
executeAction(eventID,[descriptor],[displayDialogs]) Application Play an ActionManager event.
executeActionGet(reference) Application Obtain an action descriptor.
getObjectValue(key) ActionDescriptor get the value of a key of type object
getObjectValue(index) ActionList get the value of an item of type object

Arguments that are a ActionDescriptor

name in method of object description
descriptor executeAction(eventID,[descriptor],[displayDialogs]) Application
value putObject(key,classID,value) ActionDescriptor
value putObject(classID,value) ActionList