ArtLayer in Photoshop DOM

Any layer that can contain data.

Instance Properties

name type description
allLocked Boolean
blendMode BlendMode
fillOpacity Number the interior opacity of the layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
grouped Boolean is the layer grouped with the layer below?
isBackgroundLayer Boolean is the layer a background layer?
kind LayerKind to create a text layer set this property to 'text layer' on an empty art layer of type 'normal'
linkedLayers Array (read only) Other Layers linked to this one.
name String the name of the layer
opacity Number master opacity of layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
parent Object (read only)
pixelsLocked Boolean
positionLocked Boolean
textItem TextItem (read only) the text item that is associated with the art layer. Only valid for art layers whose 'has text' is true
transparentPixelsLocked Boolean
typename String (read only)
visible Boolean

Instance Methods

name returns description
adjustBrightnessContrast(brightness,contrast) (none) adjust brightness and constrast
adjustColorBalance([shadows],[midtones],[highlights],…) (none)
adjustCurves(curveShape) (none) adjust curves of the selected channels
adjustLevels(inputRangeStart,inputRangeEnd,inputRangeGamma,…) (none) adjust levels of the selected channels
applyAddNoise(amount,distribution,monochromatic) (none) apply the add noise filter
applyBlur() (none) apply the blur filter
applyBlurMore() (none) apply the blur more filter
applyClouds() (none) apply the clouds filter
applyCustomFilter(characteristics,scale,offset) (none) apply the custom filter
applyDeInterlace(eliminateFields,createFields) (none) apply the De-Interlace filter
applyDespeckle() (none) apply the despeckle filter
applyDifferenceClouds() (none) apply the difference clouds filter
applyDiffuseGlow(graininess,glowAmount,clearAmount) (none) apply the diffuse glow filter
applyDisplace(horizontalScale,verticalScale,displacementType,…) (none) apply the displace filter
applyDustAndScratches(radius,threshold) (none) apply the dust and scratches filter
applyGaussianBlur(radius) (none) apply the Gaussian blur filter
applyGlassEffect(distortion,smoothness,scaling,…) (none) apply the glass filter
applyHighPass(radius) (none) apply the high pass filter
applyLensFlare(brightness,flareCenter,lensType) (none) apply the lens flare filter
applyMaximum(radius) (none) apply the maximum filter
applyMedianNoise(radius) (none) apply the median noise filter
applyMinimum(radius) (none) apply the minimum filter
applyMotionBlur(angle,radius) (none) apply the motion blur filter
applyNTSC() (none) apply the NTSC colors filter
applyOceanRipple(size,magnitude) (none) apply the ocean ripple filter
applyOffset(horizontal,vertical,undefinedAreas) (none) apply the offset filter
applyPinch(amount) (none) apply the pinch filter
applyPolarCoordinates(conversion) (none) apply the polar coordinates filter
applyRadialBlur(amount,blurMethod,blurQuality) (none) apply the radial blur filter
applyRipple(amount,size) (none) apply the ripple filter
applySharpen() (none) apply the sharpen filter
applySharpenEdges() (none) apply the sharpen edges filter
applySharpenMore() (none) apply the sharpen more filter
applyShear(curve,undefinedAreas) (none) apply the shear filter
applySmartBlur(radius,threshold,blurQuality,…) (none) apply the smart blur filter
applySpherize(amount,mode) (none) apply the spherize filter
applyStyle(styleName) (none)
applyTextureFill(textureFile) (none) apply the texture fill filter
applyTwirl(angle) (none) apply the twirl filter
applyUnSharpMask(amount,radius,threshold) (none) apply the unsharp mask filter
applyWave(generatorNumber,minimumWavelength,maximumWavelength,…) (none) apply the wave filter
applyZigZag(amount,ridges,[style]) (none) apply the zigzag filter
autoContrast() (none) adjust contrast of the selected channels automatically
autoLevels() (none) adjust levels of the selected channels using auto levels option
clear([merge]) (none) copy
cut() (none) cut current selection to the clipboard
duplicate() LayerSet
equalize() (none) equalize the levels
invert() (none) invert the selection
link(with) (none) link the layer with another layer
merge() ArtLayer merges the layer down. This will remove the layer from the document. The method returns a reference to the art layer that this layer is merged into
mixChannels([monochrome],outputChannels) (none) only valid for RGB or CMYK documents
moveAfter([destination]) (none)
moveBefore(destination) (none)
moveToBeginning(destination) (none)
moveToEnd(destination) (none)
posterize(levels) (none)
rasterize(target) (none)
remove() (none)
resize([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) (none)
rotate(angle,[anchor]) (none)
selectiveColor(selectionMethod,[reds],[yellows],…) (none)
threshold(level) (none)
translate([deltaX],[deltaY]) (none) moves the position relative to its current position
unlink() (none) unlink the layer

Properties that are a ArtLayer

name object description
activeLayer Document selected layer for document
backgroundLayer Document (read only) background layer for the document

Methods that return a ArtLayer

name of object description
add() ArtLayers
merge() ArtLayer merges the layer down. This will remove the layer from the document. The method returns a reference to the art layer that this layer is merged into
merge() LayerSet merge layerset
paste([intoSelection]) Document paste contents of clipbopard into the document

Arguments that are a ArtLayer

name in method of object description
with link(with) ArtLayer