SVGSVGElement in SVG 1.1

(no overview available)

Instance Properties

name type description
attributes NamedNodeMap (read only) [from Node]
childNodes NodeList (read only) [from Node]
className SVGAnimatedString (read only) [from SVGStylable]
contentScriptType String
contentStyleType String
currentScale Number
currentTranslate SVGPoint (read only)
currentView SVGViewSpec (read only)
document DocumentView (read only) [from AbstractView]
externalResourcesRequired SVGAnimatedBoolean (read only) Does the element require external data to be loaded before it can be rendered? [from SVGExternalResourcesRequired]
farthestViewportElement SVGElement (read only) [from SVGLocatable]
firstChild Node (read only) [from Node]
height SVGAnimatedLength (read only)
id String [from SVGElement]
lastChild Node (read only) [from Node]
localName String (read only) [from Node]
namespaceURI String (read only) [from Node]
nearestViewportElement SVGElement (read only) [from SVGLocatable]
nextSibling Node (read only) [from Node]
nodeName String (read only) [from Node]
nodeType Number (read only) [from Node]
nodeValue String [from Node]
ownerDocument Document (read only) [from Node]
ownerSVGElement SVGSVGElement (read only) [from SVGElement]
parentNode Node (read only) [from Node]
pixelUnitToMillimeterX Number (read only)
pixelUnitToMillimeterY Number (read only)
prefix String [from Node]
preserveAspectRatio SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio (read only) [from SVGFitToViewBox]
previousSibling Node (read only) [from Node]
requiredExtensions SVGStringList (read only) [from SVGTests]
requiredFeatures SVGStringList (read only) [from SVGTests]
screenPixelToMillimeterX Number (read only)
screenPixelToMillimeterY Number (read only)
styleSheets StyleSheetList (read only) [from DocumentStyle]
systemLanguage SVGStringList (read only) [from SVGTests]
tagName String (read only) [from Element]
useCurrentView Boolean
viewBox SVGAnimatedRect (read only) [from SVGFitToViewBox]
viewport SVGRect (read only)
viewportElement SVGElement (read only) [from SVGElement]
width SVGAnimatedLength (read only)
x SVGAnimatedLength (read only)
xmlbase String [from SVGElement]
xmllang String [from SVGLangSpace]
xmlspace String [from SVGLangSpace]
y SVGAnimatedLength (read only)
zoomAndPan Number [from SVGZoomAndPan]

Instance Methods

name returns description
addEventListener(type,listener,useCapture) (none) [from EventTarget]
animationsPaused() Boolean
appendChild(newChild) Node [from Node]
checkEnclosure(element,rect) Boolean Is the element within a rectangular area?
checkIntersection(element,rect) Boolean Does the element intersect the rect?
cloneNode(deep) Node Return a new copy of the node. [from Node]
createEvent(eventType) Event Creates and returns a new Event object. [from DocumentEvent]
createSVGAngle() SVGAngle
createSVGLength() SVGLength
createSVGMatrix() SVGMatrix
createSVGNumber() SVGNumber
createSVGPoint() SVGPoint Creates and returns a new SVGPoint object.
createSVGRect() SVGRect Creates and returns a new SVGRect element
createSVGTransform() SVGTransform
createSVGTransformFromMatrix(matrix) SVGTransform
deselectAll() (none)
dispatchEvent(evt) Boolean Dispatches an event to the invoking object. [from EventTarget]
forceRedraw() (none)
getAttribute(name) String [from Element]
getAttributeNode(name) Attr [from Element]
getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI,localName) Attr [from Element]
getAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) String [from Element]
getBBox() SVGRect Get the bounding box of the element. [from SVGLocatable]
getComputedStyle(elt,pseudoElt) CSSStyleDeclaration [from ViewCSS]
getCTM() SVGMatrix Return the Current Transformation Matrix for the element. [from SVGLocatable]
getCurrentTime() Number
getElementById(elementId) Element
getElementsByTagName(name) NodeList [from Element]
getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI,localName) NodeList [from Element]
getEnclosureList(rect,referenceElement) NodeList Which elements are within the rect?
getIntersectionList(rect,referenceElement) NodeList Returns the list of graphics elements whose rendered content intersects the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.
getOverrideStyle(elt,pseudoElt) CSSStyleDeclaration [from DocumentCSS]
getPresentationAttribute(name) CSSValue [from SVGStylable]
getScreenCTM() SVGMatrix [from SVGLocatable]
getTransformToElement(element) SVGMatrix [from SVGLocatable]
hasAttribute(name) Boolean [from Element]
hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) Boolean [from Element]
hasAttributes() Boolean [from Node]
hasChildNodes() Boolean [from Node]
hasExtension(extension) Boolean [from SVGTests]
insertBefore(newChild,refChild) Node [from Node]
isSupported(feature,version) Boolean [from Node]
normalize() (none) [from Node]
pauseAnimations() (none)
removeAttribute(name) (none) [from Element]
removeAttributeNode(oldAttr) Attr [from Element]
removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI,localName) (none) [from Element]
removeChild(oldChild) Node [from Node]
removeEventListener(type,listener,useCapture) (none) [from EventTarget]
replaceChild(newChild,oldChild) Node [from Node]
setAttribute(name,value) (none) [from Element]
setAttributeNode(newAttr) Attr [from Element]
setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr) Attr [from Element]
setAttributeNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName,value) (none) [from Element]
setCurrentTime(seconds) (none)
suspendRedraw(max_wait_milliseconds) Number
unpauseAnimations() (none)
unsuspendRedraw(suspend_handle_id) (none)
unsuspendRedrawAll() (none)

Properties that are an SVGSVGElement

name object description
ownerSVGElement SVGElement (read only)
rootElement SVGDocument (read only)