ActionReference in Photoshop DOM

(no overview available)

Instance Properties

name type description
typename String (read only)

Instance Methods

name returns description
getContainer() ActionReference
getDesiredClass() Number
getEnumeratedType() Number get type of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumeratedValue() Number get value of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getForm() ReferenceFormType get form of ActionReference
getIdentifier() Number get identifier value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Identifier'
getIndex() Number get index value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Index'
getName() String get name value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Name'
getOffset() Number get offset value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Offset'
getProperty() Number get property ID value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Property'
putClass([desiredClass]) (none)
putEnumerated([desiredClass],[enumType],[value]) (none)
putIdentifier([desiredClass],[value]) (none)
putIndex([desiredClass],[value]) (none)
putName([desiredClass],[value]) (none)
putOffset([desiredClass],[value]) (none)
putProperty([desiredClass],[value]) (none)

Methods that return a ActionReference

name of object description
getContainer() ActionReference
getReference(key) ActionDescriptor get the value of a key of type ActionReference
getReference(index) ActionList get the value of an item of type ActionReference

Arguments that are a ActionReference

name in method of object description
reference executeActionGet(reference) Application
value putReference(key,value) ActionDescriptor
value putReference(value) ActionList