Light in Anark Studio 2.5

Represents a light in the scene.

Inherits from:

Instance Properties

name type description
active Boolean Should this asset be drawn? [from Asset]
ambient Color Ambient scene color.
behaviors Collection (read only) All Behavior objects attached under this asset. [from Asset]
brightness Number Maximum light level.
cameras Collection (read only) All cameras attached to this object. [from Node]
clickable Boolean Can this object be clicked on? [from Node]
constructor Object A reference to the constructor class for the current object instance. [from Object]
context TimeContext (read only) The asset's local TimeContext object. [from Asset]
contextType Number Type of the TimeContext for this asset. [from Asset]
diffuse Color Light color.
endLifeTime Number Ending time of the asset. [from Asset]
expFade Number Exponential fade-off speed.
groups Collection (read only) All groups attached to this object. [from Node]
id Number (read only) Unique ID for the asset. [from Asset]
lastGlobalTransform Matrix (read only) Cumulative transformation applied to this object. [from Node]
lights Collection (read only) All lights attached to this node. [from Node]
linearFade Number Fade-off speed.
models Collection (read only) All models attached to this node. [from Node]
music Collection (read only) All Music objects attached under this asset. [from Asset]
name String User-defined name for the asset. [from Asset]
opacity Number Opacity of the object. [from Node]
parent Object (read only) Parent object of this asset. [from Asset]
pivot Vector Pivot point location. [from Node]
position Vector Location of the object. [from Node]
prototype Object The prototype for a class. [from Object]
rotation Rotation Rotation of the object. [from Node]
scale Vector Scale of the object. [from Node]
sounds Collection (read only) All Sounds objects attached under this asset. [from Asset]
source Number Type of light.
specular Color Highlight color.
startLifeTime Number Starting time of the asset. [from Asset]
type String (read only) Type of the asset. [from Asset]

Instance Methods

name returns description
attach(assetObject) (none) Attach the argument underneath the asset. [from Asset]
copy() Asset Create a copy of the asset. [from Asset]
detach(assetObject) (none) Remove an asset from this asset. [from Asset]
hasOwnProperty(propertyOrMethodName) Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method. [from Object]
isPrototypeOf(instanceToTest) Boolean Determines if the calling object prototype is in the inheritance chain for the supplied argument. [from Object]
propertyIsEnumerable(propertyOrMethodName) Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has a property or method of the supplied name which will appear in a for (prop in obj) enumeration. [from Object]
removeChildren() (none) Remove all children from this node. [from Node]
toLocaleString() String For most objects, the same as toString() unless explicitly overridden. [from Object]
toString() String Returns a string representation of the object. [from Object]
valueOf() String Returns the internal this value of the object. [from Object]


The Light object is a type of node, and as such can be added as a child to any other node such as a group or a camera. Lights are added to nodes contained within a layer, and when they are active they illuminate the scene in a variety of ways depending on the settings of their properties. There may be up to 8 simultaneously active lights for each layer.

Lights are sophisticated objects and support many advanced capabilities. Because they are nodes, they have location and rotation properties, and may be dynamically animated to produce stunning effects.

There are two types of object constructors for lights. The Library asset constructor creates a new instance of the object from a resource in the Anark Studio Library. The scripting object constructor creates an empty Light object. Objects created via scripting are not available to the Anark Studio interface, but they do appear in the finished project.

Library asset constructor syntax

var theLight = new Light( "library://libraryAssetName" [, objectToAttachTo] );
required — A String with the name of the asset in the Anark Studio Library from which to create this object.
optional — The String name of the object to which the light will be attached. The light must be attached to an object in the scene either now or later in order to appear in the scene during playback.

Scripting object constructor syntax

var theLight = new Light( [sceneGraphName] [, objectToAttachTo] );
optional — A String with the name for the new layer in the scene graph.
optional — The String name of the object to which the light will be attached. The light must be attached to an object in the scene either now or later in order to appear in the scene during playback.

Light Examples

// Create a light.
this.theLight = new Light( "KeyLight" );

// Attach the light to an existing layer.  
scene.BackgroundLayer.attach( this.theLight );  

// Set the light's diffuse color to green and turn it on.  
this.theLight.diffuse.r = 0;
this.theLight.diffuse.g = 255;
this.theLight.diffuse.b = 0; = true;