Properties in Photoshop DOM

name object type description
a LabColor Number the a-value (between -128.0 and 127.0)
absoluteURI Folder String (read only) The full path name for the Folder in URI notation.
absoluteURI File String (read only) The full path name for the file in URI notation.
activeChannels Document Array selected channels for document
activeDocument Application Document The frontmost document
activeHistoryBrushSource Document HistoryState the current history state to use with the history brush for this document
activeHistoryState Document HistoryState the current history state for this document
activeLayer Document ArtLayer selected layer for document
additionalPluginFolder Preferences File
alias Folder Boolean (read only) Is the Folder a file-system alias?
alias File Boolean (read only) Is the file a file system alias?
allLocked LayerSet Boolean
allLocked ArtLayer Boolean
alphaChannels PixarSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels PDFSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels RawSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels SGIRGBSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels PhotoshopSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels BMPSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels PICTFileSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels TiffSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alphaChannels PICTResourceSaveOptions Boolean save alpha channels
alternateLigatures TextItem Boolean use alternate ligatures?
angle BitmapConversionOptions Number (only valid for 'halftone screen' conversions)
annotations PhotoshopSaveOptions Boolean save annotations
annotations PDFSaveOptions Boolean save annotations
annotations TiffSaveOptions Boolean save annotations
antiAlias EPSOpenOptions Boolean use antialias?
antiAlias PDFOpenOptions Boolean use antialias?
antiAliasMethod TextItem AntiAlias
appendExtension Preferences SaveBehavior
arguments Application Array (read only)
artLayers Document ArtLayers (read only)
artLayers LayerSet ArtLayers (read only)
askBeforeSavingLayeredTIFF Preferences Boolean
author DocumentInfo String
authorPosition DocumentInfo String
autoKerning TextItem Boolean whether to use a font's built-in kerning information
autoLeadingAmount TextItem Number percentage to use for auto leading
autoUpdateOpenDocuments Preferences Boolean
b LabColor Number the b-value (between -128.0 and 127.0)
backgroundColor Application SolidColor
backgroundLayer Document ArtLayer (read only) background layer for the document
baselineShift TextItem Number baseline offset of text (unit value)
beepWhenDone Preferences Boolean
bitsPerChannel Document Number number of bits for each channel (8 or 16)
black CMYKColor Number the black color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
blendMode LayerSet BlendMode
blendMode ArtLayer BlendMode
blue RGBColor Number the blue color value (between 0.0 and 255.0)
brightness HSBColor Number the brightness value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
byteOrder RawFormatOpenOptions ByteOrder only relevant for images with 16 bits per channel
byteOrder TiffSaveOptions ByteOrder
capitalization TextItem Case the case of the text
caption DocumentInfo String
captionWriter DocumentInfo String
category DocumentInfo String
channelNumber RawFormatOpenOptions Number number of channels in image
channels Document Channels (read only)
city DocumentInfo String
cmyk SolidColor CMYKColor
color Channel SolidColor color of text
colorChannelsInColor Preferences Boolean
colorPicker Preferences ColorPicker
colorProfileName PhotoCDOpenOptions String profile to use when reading the image
colorProfileName Document String name of color profile for document
colorProfileType Document ColorProfile type of color profile management for document
colors IndexedConversionOptions Number number of colors in palette (only settable for some palette types)
colors GIFSaveOptions Number number of colors in palette (only settable for some palette types)
colorSettings Application Object Name of selected color settings' set
colorSpace PhotoCDOpenOptions PhotoCDColorSpace colorspace for image
columnGutter Preferences Number gutter of columns (in points)
columnWidth Preferences Number width of columns (in points)
componentChannels Document Array (read only) all color component channels for this document
compression PICTResourceSaveOptions PICTCompression
compression PICTFileSaveOptions PICTCompression
constrainProportions PDFOpenOptions Boolean constrain proportions of image
constrainProportions EPSOpenOptions Boolean constrain proportions of image
contents TextItem String the text in the layer
copyrighted DocumentInfo CopyrightedType
copyrightNotice DocumentInfo String
count ActionList Number (read only) The number of items in the list
count ActionDescriptor Number (read only) The number of keys contained in the descriptor
country DocumentInfo String
created File Date (read only) Creation date for the file.
created Folder Date (read only) Creation date for the Folder.
createFirstSnapshot Preferences Boolean automatically make first snapshot when a new document is created?
creationDate DocumentInfo String
creator File String (read only) The Macintosh file creator as a four-character string.
credit DocumentInfo String
current Folder Folder The current folder.
cyan CMYKColor Number the cyan color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
dcs DCS1_SaveOptions DCSType
dcs DCS2_SaveOptions DCSType
depth BMPSaveOptions BMPDepthType number of bits per sample
desiredGlyphScaling TextItem Number
desiredLetterScaling TextItem Number
desiredWordScaling TextItem Number
direction TextItem Direction text orientation
displayDialogs Application DialogModes Whether or not Photoshop displays dialogs
dither IndexedConversionOptions Dither type of dither
dither GIFSaveOptions Dither type of dither
ditherAmount GIFSaveOptions Number amount of dither (only valid for diffusion 1-100%)
ditherAmount IndexedConversionOptions Number amount of dither (only valid for diffusion 1-100%)
documents Application Array (read only)
downgradeColorProfile PDFSaveOptions Boolean should the embedded color profile be downgraded to version 2
dynamicColorSliders Preferences Boolean
embedColorProfile EPSSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile PhotoshopSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile DCS1_SaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile PICTResourceSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile PICTFileSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile PDFSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile JPEGSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedColorProfile TiffSaveOptions Boolean embed color profile in document
embedFonts PDFSaveOptions Boolean embed fonts? (only valid if vector data is included)
enabledChannels LayerSet Array channels that are enabled for the layer set
encoding PDFSaveOptions PDFEncoding
encoding DCS2_SaveOptions SaveEncoding type of encoding to use for document
encoding DCS1_SaveOptions SaveEncoding type of encoding to use for document
encoding File String The encoding of the file for read/write operations.
encoding EPSSaveOptions SaveEncoding type of encoding to use for document
eof File Boolean (read only) Is the file pointer at the end of the File?
error File String The last file system error.
error Folder String The last file system error.
exif DocumentInfo Object (read only)
exists File Boolean (read only) Returns true if the path of this File refers to an existing file on disk.
exists Folder Boolean (read only) Returns true if the path of this Folder refers to an existing file on disk.
exportClipboard Preferences Boolean
fauxBold TextItem Boolean use faux bold?
fauxItalic TextItem Boolean use faux italic?
fillOpacity ArtLayer Number the interior opacity of the layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
firstLineIndent TextItem Number (unit value)
flipRowOrder BMPSaveOptions Boolean
font TextItem String text face of the character
forced IndexedConversionOptions ForcedColors
forced GIFSaveOptions ForcedColors
foregroundColor Application SolidColor
formatOptions JPEGSaveOptions FormatOptions
freeMemory Application Number (read only) Amount of unused memory available to Adobe Photoshop
frequency BitmapConversionOptions Number (only valid for 'halftone screen' conversions)
fsName File String (read only) The file-system-specific name of this File as a full path name.
fsName Folder String (read only) The file-system-specific name of this Folder as a full path name.
fullName Document File (read only) full path name of document
fullSizePreview Preferences Boolean
gamutWarningOpacity Preferences Number
gray GrayColor GrayColor
green RGBColor Number the green color value (between 0.0 and 255.0)
gridSize Preferences GridSize
gridStyle Preferences GridLineStyle
gridSubDivisions Preferences Number
grouped ArtLayer Boolean is the layer grouped with the layer below?
guideStyle Preferences GuideLineStyle
halftoneScreen EPSSaveOptions Boolean include halftone screen
halftoneScreen DCS1_SaveOptions Boolean include halftone screen
halftoneScreen DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean include halftone screen
hangingPuntuation TextItem Boolean use Roman Hanging Punctuation?
headerSize RawFormatOpenOptions Number
headline DocumentInfo String
height RawFormatOpenOptions Number height of image (in pixels)
height PDFOpenOptions Number height of image (unit value)
height Document Number (read only) height of document (unit value)
height EPSOpenOptions Number height of image (unit value)
height TextItem Number the height of paragraph text (unit value)
hexValue RGBColor String hex representation of this color
hidden File Boolean Is the File invisible?
histogram Channel Array (read only) a histogram of values for the channel
histogram Document Array (read only) a histogram of values for the composite document (only for RGB, CMYK and 'Indexed colors' documents)
historyStates Document HistoryStates (read only)
horizontalScale TextItem Number horizontal scaling of characters (in percent)
hsb SolidColor HSBColor
hue HSBColor Number the hue value (between 0.0 and 360.0)
hyphenateAfterFirst TextItem Number hyphenate after this many letters
hyphenateBeforeLast TextItem Number hyphenate before this many letters
hyphenateCapitalWords TextItem Boolean whether to hyphenate capitalized words
hyphenateWordsLongerThan TextItem Number hyphenate words that have more than this number of letters
hyphenation TextItem Boolean use hyphenation?
hyphenationZone TextItem Number the hyphenation zone (unit value)
hyphenLimit TextItem Number maximum number of consecutive hyphens
iconPreview Preferences Boolean
imageCacheForHistograms Preferences Boolean
imageCacheLevels Preferences Number
imageCompression TiffSaveOptions TIFFEncoding compression type
imagePreviews Preferences SaveBehavior
info Document DocumentInfo (read only) document information
instructions DocumentInfo String
interlaced GIFSaveOptions Boolean should rows be interlaced?
interlaced PNGSaveOptions Boolean should rows be interlaced?
interleaveChannels RawFormatOpenOptions Boolean are the channels in the image interleaved?
interpolation Preferences ResampleMethod
interpolation PDFSaveOptions Boolean use image interpolation?
interpolation DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean use image interpolation
interpolation EPSSaveOptions Boolean use image interpolation
interpolation DCS1_SaveOptions Boolean use image interpolation
isBackgroundLayer ArtLayer Boolean is the layer a background layer?
jobName DocumentInfo String
jpegQuality PDFSaveOptions Number quality of produced image (0-12)
justification TextItem Justification paragraph justification
keyboardZoomResizesWindows Preferences Boolean
keywords DocumentInfo Array list of keywords
kind TextItem TextType the type of the text
kind ArtLayer LayerKind to create a text layer set this property to 'text layer' on an empty art layer of type 'normal'
kind Channel ChannelType type of the channel
l LabColor Number the L-value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
lab SolidColor LabColor
language TextItem Language
layerCompression TiffSaveOptions LayerCompression should only be used when you are saving layers
layers PDFSaveOptions Boolean save layers
layers PhotoshopSaveOptions Boolean save layers
layers TiffSaveOptions Boolean save layers
layers LayerSet Layers (read only)
layers Document Layers (read only)
layerSets Document LayerSets (read only)
leading TextItem Number leading (unit value)
leftIndent TextItem Number (unit value)
length HistoryStates Number (read only)
length File Number The size of the File in bytes.
length LayerSets Number (read only)
length Documents Number (read only)
length Layers Number (read only)
length Channels Number (read only)
length ArtLayers Number (read only)
ligatures TextItem Boolean use ligatures?
lineFeed File String The line feed character(s) used.
linkedLayers LayerSet Array (read only) array of Layer objects
linkedLayers ArtLayer Array (read only) Other Layers linked to this one.
macOSTumbnail Preferences Boolean
magenta CMYKColor Number the magenta color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
managed Document Boolean (read only) is the document a workgroup document?
matte JPEGSaveOptions MatteType
matte IndexedConversionOptions MatteType
matte GIFSaveOptions MatteType
maximizeCompatibility Preferences Boolean maximize compatibility for Photoshop (PSD) files
maximumGlyphScaling TextItem Number
maximumLetterScaling TextItem Number
maximumWordScaling TextItem Number
maxRAMuse Preferences Number maximum percentage of available RAM used by Photoshop (between 5 and 100)
method BitmapConversionOptions BitmapConversionType
minimumGlyphScaling TextItem Number
minimumLetterScaling TextItem Number
minimumWordScaling TextItem Number
mode Document DocumentMode (read only) document mode
mode PDFOpenOptions OpenDocumentMode the document mode
mode EPSOpenOptions OpenDocumentMode the document mode
model SolidColor ColorModel color model
modified Document Date (read only) The date of the Folder's last modification.
multiFileDCS DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean
name Channel String the channel's name
name Document String (read only) the document's name
name HistoryState String (read only) the channel's name
name LayerSet String the name of the layer
name Application String (read only) The application's name
name File String (read only) The name of the File without the path specification.
name Folder String (read only) The name of the Folder without the path specification.
name PICTResourceSaveOptions String name of PICT resource
name ArtLayer String the name of the layer
nearestWebColor SolidColor RGBColor (read only) the nearest web color to the current color
noBreak TextItem Boolean
nonLinearHistory Preferences Boolean allow non-linear history?
numberOfHistoryStates Preferences Number number of history states to remember (between 1 and 100)
oldStyle TextItem Boolean use old style?
opacity LayerSet Number master opacity of layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
opacity Channel Number opacity of alpha channels (called solidity for spot channels)
opacity ArtLayer Number master opacity of layer (between 0.0 and 100.0)
orientation PhotoCDOpenOptions Orientation
osType BMPSaveOptions OperatingSystem target OS. Windows or OS/2 (default: Windows)
otherCursors Preferences OtherPaintingCursors
ownerUrl DocumentInfo String
page PDFOpenOptions Number number of page to open
paintingCursors Preferences PaintingCursors
palette GIFSaveOptions Palette
palette IndexedConversionOptions Palette type of palette
parent Document Object (read only)
parent Layers Object (read only)
parent LayerSets Object (read only)
parent LayerSet Object (read only)
parent ArtLayers Object (read only)
parent File Folder (read only) The Folder containing this File.
parent Channels Object (read only)
parent Channel Object (read only)
parent DocumentInfo Object (read only)
parent HistoryStates Object (read only)
parent HistoryState Object (read only)
parent Documents Object (read only)
parent TextItem Object (read only)
parent ArtLayer Object (read only)
parent Preferences Object (read only)
parent Selection Object (read only)
parent Folder Folder (read only) The Folder containing this Folder.
parent Application Object (read only)
path ExportOptionsIllustrator IllustratorPathType which path to export (default: document bounds)
path Application File (read only) The full path of the location of the Photoshop application
path Folder String (read only) The path portion of the absoluteURI.
path Document File (read only) the path of the document
path File String (read only) The path portion of the absoluteURI.
pathName ExportOptionsIllustrator String name of path to export
patternName BitmapConversionOptions String (only valid for 'custom pattern' conversions)
pixelDoubling Preferences Boolean
pixelSize PhotoCDOpenOptions PhotoCDSize dimensions of image
pixelsLocked ArtLayer Boolean
pointSize Preferences PointType size of point/pica
position TextItem Array array of two numbers; position of origin (unit value)
positionLocked ArtLayer Boolean
preferences Application Preferences (read only)
preserveExactColors GIFSaveOptions Boolean
preserveExactColors IndexedConversionOptions Boolean
preview DCS2_SaveOptions Preview type of preview
preview DCS1_SaveOptions Preview type of preview
preview EPSSaveOptions Preview type of preview
provinceState DocumentInfo String
psColorManagement EPSSaveOptions Boolean use Postscript color management
quality JPEGSaveOptions Number quality of produced image (0-12)
quickMaskMode Document Boolean is the document in the quick mask mode?
readonly File Boolean May the file be altered?
recentFileListLength Preferences Number number of items in the recent file list (between 0 and 30)
red RGBColor Number the red color value (between 0.0 and 255.0)
redoKey Preferences RedoKey
relativeURI File String (read only) The path name for the File in URI notation, relative to the current folder.
relativeURI Folder String (read only) The path name for the Folder in URI notation, relative to the current folder.
resolution PICTFileSaveOptions PICTBitsPerPixels number of bits per pixel
resolution PDFOpenOptions Number the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
resolution TargaSaveOptions TargaBitsPerPixels number of bits per pixel
resolution PICTResourceSaveOptions PICTBitsPerPixels number of bits per pixel
resolution PhotoCDOpenOptions Number the resolution of the image (in pixels per inch)
resolution BitmapConversionOptions Number output resolution (in pixels per inch)
resolution EPSOpenOptions Number the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
resolution Document Number (read only) the resolution of the document (in pixels per inch)
resourceID PICTResourceSaveOptions Number ID of PICT resource
retainHeader RawFormatOpenOptions Boolean retain header when saving?
rgb SolidColor RGBColor
rightIndent TextItem Number (unit value)
rleCompression BMPSaveOptions Boolean should RLE compression be used?
rulerUnits Preferences Units note: this is the unit that the scripting system will use when receiving and returning values
saturation HSBColor Number the saturation value (between 0.0 and 100.0)
saved Document Boolean (read only) has the document been saved since last change?
saveImagePyramid TiffSaveOptions Boolean
savePaletteLocations Preferences Boolean
scans JPEGSaveOptions Number number of scans
scriptingVersion Application String (read only) The version of the Scripting interface
selection Document Selection (read only) the document's selection
serialNumber Application String (read only) The serial number of Photoshop
shape BitmapConversionOptions BitmapHalfToneType (only valid for 'halftone screen' conversions)
showAsianTextOptions Preferences Boolean
showEnglishFontNames Preferences Boolean
showSliceNumber Preferences Boolean
showToolTips Preferences Boolean
size TextItem Number font size in points
smartQuotes Preferences Boolean
snapshot HistoryState Boolean (read only) is the history state a snapshot?
source DocumentInfo String
spaceAfter TextItem Number (unit value)
spaceBefore TextItem Number (unit value)
spotColors RawSaveOptions Boolean save spot colors
spotColors SGIRGBSaveOptions Boolean save spot colors
spotColors PhotoshopSaveOptions Boolean save spot colors
spotColors TiffSaveOptions Boolean save spot colors
spotColors PDFSaveOptions Boolean save spot colors
spotColors DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean save spot colors
startup Folder Folder (read only) The folder containing the executable image of the running application.
strikeThru TextItem Boolean
supplementalCategories DocumentInfo Array
system Folder Folder (read only) The folder containing the operating system files.
temp Folder Folder (read only) The default folder for temporary files.
textComposer TextItem TextComposer type of text composing engine to use
textItem ArtLayer TextItem (read only) the text item that is associated with the art layer. Only valid for art layers whose 'has text' is true
title DocumentInfo String
tracking TextItem Number controls uniform spacing between multiple characters
transferFunction EPSSaveOptions Boolean include transfer functions in document
transferFunction DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean include transfer functions in document
transferFunction DCS1_SaveOptions Boolean include transfer functions in document
transmissionReference DocumentInfo String
transparency IndexedConversionOptions Boolean
transparency TiffSaveOptions Boolean
transparency GIFSaveOptions Boolean
transparency PDFSaveOptions Boolean
transparentPixelsLocked ArtLayer Boolean
transparentWhites EPSSaveOptions Boolean only valid when saving BitMap documents
trash Folder Folder (read only) The folder containing deleted items.
type File String (read only) The Macintosh file type as a four-character string.
typename DCS2_SaveOptions String
typename RawFormatOpenOptions String (read only)
typename RawSaveOptions String (read only)
typename SGIRGBSaveOptions String (read only)
typename Selection String (read only)
typename Preferences String (read only)
typename SolidColor String (read only)
typename TargaSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PixarSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PhotoshopSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PhotoCDOpenOptions String (read only)
typename PNGSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PICTResourceSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PICTFileSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PDFSaveOptions String (read only)
typename PDFOpenOptions String (read only)
typename Layers String (read only)
typename LayerSets String (read only)
typename LayerSet String (read only)
typename LabColor String (read only)
typename JPEGSaveOptions String (read only)
typename IndexedConversionOptions String (read only)
typename HistoryStates String (read only)
typename HistoryState String (read only)
typename HSBColor String (read only)
typename GrayColor String (read only)
typename GIFSaveOptions String (read only)
typename ExportOptionsIllustrator String (read only)
typename EPSSaveOptions String (read only)
typename EPSOpenOptions String (read only)
typename Documents String (read only)
typename TextItem String (read only)
typename DocumentInfo String (read only)
typename TiffSaveOptions String (read only)
typename Document String (read only)
typename RGBColor String (read only)
typename DCS1_SaveOptions String (read only)
typename Channels String (read only)
typename Channel String (read only)
typename CMYKColor String (read only)
typename BitmapConversionOptions String (read only)
typename BMPSaveOptions String (read only)
typename ArtLayer String (read only)
typename ActionReference String (read only)
typename ActionList String (read only)
typename ActionDescriptor String (read only)
typename Application String (read only)
typename ArtLayers String (read only)
typeUnits Preferences TypeUnits
underline TextItem Boolean
urgency DocumentInfo Urgency
useAdditionalPluginFolder Preferences Boolean
useAutoLeading TextItem Boolean whether to use a font's built-in leading information
useDiffusionDither Preferences Boolean
useLowerCaseExtension Preferences Boolean should the file extension be lowercase
useOutlines PDFSaveOptions Boolean use outlines for text? (only valid if vector data is included)
useShiftKeyForToolSwitch Preferences Boolean
useVideoAlpha Preferences Boolean this option requires hardware support
vectorData DCS2_SaveOptions Boolean include vector data
vectorData EPSSaveOptions Boolean include vector data
vectorData DCS1_SaveOptions Boolean include vector data
vectorData PDFSaveOptions Boolean include vector data
version Application String (read only) The version of Adobe Photoshop application
verticalScale TextItem Number vertical scaling of characters (in percent)
visible LayerSet Boolean
visible Channel Boolean
visible ArtLayer Boolean
warpBend TextItem Number percentage from -100 to 100
warpDirection TextItem Direction
warpHorizontalDistortion TextItem Number percentage from -100 to 100
warpStyle TextItem WarpStyle
warpVerticalDistortion TextItem Number percentage from -100 to 100
width EPSOpenOptions Number width of image (unit value)
width PDFOpenOptions Number width of image (unit value)
width Document Number (read only) width of document (unit value)
width TextItem Number the width of paragraph text (unit value)
width RawFormatOpenOptions Number width of image (in pixels)
windowsTumbnail Preferences Boolean
yellow CMYKColor Number the yellow color value (between 0.0 and 100.0)