add([width],[height],[resolution],…) |
Documents |
Document |
add() |
Channels |
Channel |
add() |
ArtLayers |
ArtLayer |
add() |
LayerSets |
LayerSet |
adjustBrightnessContrast(brightness,contrast) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust brightness and constrast
adjustColorBalance([shadows],[midtones],[highlights],…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjustCurves(curveShape) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust curves of the selected channels
adjustLevels(inputRangeStart,inputRangeEnd,inputRangeGamma,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust levels of the selected channels
alert(msg) |
Application |
(none) |
Display an alert dialog.
ance range(tolerance,antiAlias) |
Selection |
(none) |
applyAddNoise(amount,distribution,monochromatic) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the add noise filter
applyBlur() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the blur filter
applyBlurMore() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the blur more filter
applyClouds() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the clouds filter
applyCustomFilter(characteristics,scale,offset) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the custom filter
applyDeInterlace(eliminateFields,createFields) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the De-Interlace filter
applyDespeckle() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the despeckle filter
applyDifferenceClouds() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the difference clouds filter
applyDiffuseGlow(graininess,glowAmount,clearAmount) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the diffuse glow filter
applyDisplace(horizontalScale,verticalScale,displacementType,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the displace filter
applyDustAndScratches(radius,threshold) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the dust and scratches filter
applyGaussianBlur(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the Gaussian blur filter
applyGlassEffect(distortion,smoothness,scaling,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the glass filter
applyHighPass(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the high pass filter
applyLensFlare(brightness,flareCenter,lensType) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the lens flare filter
applyMaximum(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the maximum filter
applyMedianNoise(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the median noise filter
applyMinimum(radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the minimum filter
applyMotionBlur(angle,radius) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the motion blur filter
applyNTSC() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the NTSC colors filter
applyOceanRipple(size,magnitude) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the ocean ripple filter
applyOffset(horizontal,vertical,undefinedAreas) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the offset filter
applyPinch(amount) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the pinch filter
applyPolarCoordinates(conversion) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the polar coordinates filter
applyRadialBlur(amount,blurMethod,blurQuality) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the radial blur filter
applyRipple(amount,size) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the ripple filter
applySharpen() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the sharpen filter
applySharpenEdges() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the sharpen edges filter
applySharpenMore() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the sharpen more filter
applyShear(curve,undefinedAreas) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the shear filter
applySmartBlur(radius,threshold,blurQuality,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the smart blur filter
applySpherize(amount,mode) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the spherize filter
applyStyle(styleName) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
applyTextureFill(textureFile) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the texture fill filter
applyTwirl(angle) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the twirl filter
applyUnSharpMask(amount,radius,threshold) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the unsharp mask filter
applyWave(generatorNumber,minimumWavelength,maximumWavelength,…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the wave filter
applyZigZag(amount,ridges,[style]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
apply the zigzag filter
autoContrast() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust contrast of the selected channels automatically
autoLevels() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
adjust levels of the selected channels using auto levels option
beep() |
Application |
(none) |
Invoke a system beep.
changeMode(destinationMode,[options]) |
Document |
(none) |
change the mode of the document
charIDToTypeID(charID) |
Application |
Number |
Convert from a four character code to a runtime ID
clear() |
ActionList |
(none) |
clear the list
clear() |
Selection |
(none) |
clear selection
clear([merge]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
clear() |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
clear the descriptor
close([saving]) |
Document |
(none) |
close the document
close() |
File |
Boolean |
Close the open File.
confirm(msg) |
Application |
Boolean |
Display a confirmation dialog.
contract(by) |
Selection |
(none) |
contracts the selection
convertProfile(destinationProfile,intent,[blackPointCompensation],…) |
Document |
(none) |
convert the document from using one color profile to using another
convertToShape() |
TextItem |
(none) |
converts the text item and its containing layer to a fill layer with the text changed to a clipping path
copy(target) |
File |
Boolean |
Copy the file to the given location.
copy([merge]) |
Selection |
(none) |
copy selection to the clipboard
create() |
Folder |
Boolean |
Create a new folder.
createPath() |
TextItem |
(none) |
creates a work path based on the text item
crop(bounds,[angle],[width],…) |
Document |
(none) |
crop the document
cut() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
cut current selection to the clipboard
decode(str) |
Folder |
String |
Decode the input string according to RFC 2396.
decode(str) |
File |
String |
Decode the input string according to RFC 2396.
deselect() |
Selection |
(none) |
doAction(action,from) |
Application |
(none) |
Play an action from the Actions Palette.
duplicate() |
ArtLayer |
LayerSet |
encode(str) |
File |
String |
Encode the input string according to RFC 2396.
encode(str) |
Folder |
String |
Encode the input string according to RFC 2396.
equalize() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
equalize the levels
erase(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
erase a key from the descriptor
execute() |
File |
Boolean |
Run or open the file.
executeAction(eventID,[descriptor],[displayDialogs]) |
Application |
ActionDescriptor |
Play an ActionManager event.
executeActionGet(reference) |
Application |
ActionDescriptor |
Obtain an action descriptor.
expand selection(by) |
Selection |
(none) |
exportDocument(exportIn,[exportAs],[options]) |
Document |
(none) |
feather(by) |
Selection |
(none) |
feather edges of selection
fill(fillType,[mode],[opacity],…) |
Selection |
(none) |
fills the selection
flatten() |
Document |
(none) |
flatten all layers in the document
flipCanvas(direction) |
Document |
(none) |
flip the canvas horizontally or vertically
getBoolean(index) |
ActionList |
Boolean |
get the value of an item of type boolean
getBoolean(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Boolean |
get the value of a key of type boolean
getClass(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type class
getClass(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of an item of type class
getContainer() |
ActionReference |
ActionReference |
getDesiredClass() |
ActionReference |
Number |
getDouble(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of an item of type double
getDouble(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type double
getEnumeratedType() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get type of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumeratedValue() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get value of enumeration of an ActionReference whose form is 'Enumerated'
getEnumerationType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the enumeration type of a key
getEnumerationType(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the enumeration type of an item
getEnumerationValue(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the enumeration value of an item
getEnumerationValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the enumeration value of a key
getFiles([mask]) |
Folder |
Array |
Get all files and folders inside this folder.
getForm() |
ActionReference |
ReferenceFormType |
get form of ActionReference
getIdentifier() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get identifier value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Identifier'
getIndex() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get index value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Index'
getInteger(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of an item of type integer
getInteger(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type integer
getKey(index) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get ID of the Nth key
getList(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
ActionList |
get the value of a key of type list
getList(index) |
ActionList |
ActionList |
get the value of an item of type list
getName() |
ActionReference |
String |
get name value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Name'
getObjectType(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the class ID of an object in an item of type object
getObjectType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the class ID of an object in a key of type object
getObjectValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
ActionDescriptor |
get the value of a key of type object
getObjectValue(index) |
ActionList |
ActionDescriptor |
get the value of an item of type object
getOffset() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get offset value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Offset'
getPath(index) |
ActionList |
File |
get the value of an item of type Alias
getPath(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
File |
get the value of a key of type Alias
getProperty() |
ActionReference |
Number |
get property ID value for an ActionReference whose form is 'Property'
getReference(index) |
ActionList |
ActionReference |
get the value of an item of type ActionReference
getReference(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
ActionReference |
get the value of a key of type ActionReference
getRelativeURI([basePath]) |
Folder |
String |
Calculate the path relative to another.
getRelativeURI([basePath]) |
File |
String |
Calculate the path relative to another.
getString(index) |
ActionList |
String |
get the value of an item of type string
getString(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
String |
get the value of a key of type string
getType(index) |
ActionList |
DescValueType |
get the type of an item
getType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
DescValueType |
get the type of a key
getUnitDoubleType(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the unit type of an item of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleType(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the unit type of a key of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Number |
get the value of a key of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(index) |
ActionList |
Number |
get the value of anm item of type UnitDouble
grow() |
Selection |
(none) |
grow selection to include all adjacent pixels falling within the specified toler44
haskey(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
Boolean |
does the descriptor contain the provided key?
importAnnotations(file) |
Document |
(none) |
import annotations into the document
invert() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
invert the selection
isEqual(color) |
ActionDescriptor |
Boolean |
return true if the provided color is visually equal to this color
link(with) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
link the layer with another layer
load(from,[combination],[inverting]) |
Selection |
(none) |
load the selection from a channel
merge() |
Channel |
(none) |
merge a spot channel into the component channels
merge() |
ArtLayer |
ArtLayer |
merges the layer down. This will remove the layer from the document. The method returns a reference to the art layer that this layer is merged into
merge() |
LayerSet |
ArtLayer |
merge layerset
mergeVisibleLayers() |
Document |
(none) |
flatten all visible layers in the document
mixChannels([monochrome],outputChannels) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
only valid for RGB or CMYK documents
moveAfter([destination]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moveBefore(destination) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moveToBeginning(destination) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moveToEnd(destination) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
open(doc,[as]) |
Application |
Document |
Open the specified document.
open(mode,[type],[creator]) |
File |
Boolean |
Open the file for read/write operations.
paste([intoSelection]) |
Document |
ArtLayer |
paste contents of clipbopard into the document
posterize(levels) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
print([postScriptEncoding],[sourceSpace],[printSpace],…) |
Document |
(none) |
print the document
purge(target) |
Application |
(none) |
Purges one or more caches.
putBoolean(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putBoolean(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putClass(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putClass(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putClass([desiredClass]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putDouble(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putDouble(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putEnumerated(enumType,value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putEnumerated(key,enumType,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putEnumerated([desiredClass],[enumType],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putIdentifier([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putIndex([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putInteger(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putInteger(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putList(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putList(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putName([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putObject(classID,value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putObject(key,classID,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putOffset([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putPath(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putPath(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putProperty([desiredClass],[value]) |
ActionReference |
(none) |
putReference(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putReference(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putString(key,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putString(value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
putUnitDouble(key,unitID,value) |
ActionDescriptor |
(none) |
putUnitDouble(unitID,value) |
ActionList |
(none) |
rasterize(target) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
rasterizeAllLayers() |
Document |
(none) |
rasterize all layers
read([chars]) |
File |
String |
Read the contents of the file.
readch() |
File |
String |
Read a single character.
readln() |
File |
String |
Read one line of text.
remove() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
remove() |
Channel |
(none) |
remove() |
File |
Boolean |
Delete the file.
remove() |
Folder |
Boolean |
Delete the folder.
remove([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) |
LayerSet |
(none) |
removeAll() |
LayerSets |
(none) |
removeAll() |
Layers |
(none) |
removeAll() |
ArtLayers |
(none) |
removeAll() |
Channels |
(none) |
rename(newName) |
Folder |
Boolean |
Rename the folder.
rename(newName) |
File |
Boolean |
Rename the file.
resize([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
resizeBoundary([horizontal],[vertical],[anchor]) |
Selection |
(none) |
scale the boundary of selection
resizeCanvas([width],[height],[anchor]) |
Document |
(none) |
change the size of the canvas
resizeImage([width],[height],[resolution],…) |
Document |
(none) |
change the size of the image
resolve() |
Folder |
Folder |
Find the original that the alias points to.
resolve() |
File |
File |
Find the original that the alias points to.
revealAll() |
Document |
(none) |
expand document to show clipped sections
rotate(angle,[anchor]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
rotateBoundary(angle,[anchor]) |
Selection |
(none) |
rotates the boundary of selection
rotateCanvas(angle) |
Document |
(none) |
rotate canvas of document
save() |
Document |
(none) |
save the document
saveAs(saveIn,[options],[asCopy],…) |
Document |
(none) |
save the document with specific save options
seek(pos,mode) |
File |
Boolean |
Seek to a location in the file.
select(region,[type],[feather],…) |
Selection |
(none) |
Select a new area.
selectAll() |
Selection |
(none) |
selectBorder(width) |
Selection |
(none) |
select the border of the selection
selectiveColor(selectionMethod,[reds],[yellows],…) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
similar(tolerance,antiAlias) |
Selection |
(none) |
grow selection to include pixels throughout the image falling within the tolerance range
smooth(radius) |
Selection |
(none) |
splitChannels() |
Document |
Array |
split channels of the document
store(into,[combination]) |
Selection |
(none) |
save the selection as a channel
stringIDToTypeID(stringID) |
Application |
Number |
Convert from a string ID to a runtime ID.
stroke(strokeColor,width,[location],…) |
Selection |
(none) |
strokes the selection
tell() |
File |
Number |
Find position in file.
threshold(level) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
translate([deltaX],[deltaY]) |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
moves the position relative to its current position
translateBoundary([deltaX],[deltaY]) |
Selection |
(none) |
moves the boundary of selection relative to its current position
trap(width) |
Document |
(none) |
apply trap to a CMYK document
trim([type],[top],[left],…) |
Document |
(none) |
typeIDToCharID(typeID) |
Application |
String |
Convert from a runtime ID to a character ID.
typeIDToStringID(typeID) |
Application |
String |
Convert from a runtime ID to a string ID.
unlink() |
ArtLayer |
(none) |
unlink the layer
write(str1,[str2],[...]) |
File |
Boolean |
Write string data to the file.
writeln(str1,[str2],[...]) |
File |
Boolean |
Write string data to the file.