Methods in ECMAScript 262

name of object returns description
abs(x) Math Number Return the absolute value of x.
acos(x) Math Number Return the arc cosine of x, in radians.
apply([thisScope],[args]) Function Object Call the function/method, optionally setting a new scope for this and passing in parameters via an array.
atan(x) Math Number Return the arc tangent of x, in radians.
atan2(y,x) Math Number Return the arc tangent of the quotient y/x, where the signs of y and x are used to determine the quadrant of the result, in radians.
call([thisScope],[arg1],[arg2],…) Function Object Call the function/method, optionally setting a new scope for this and passing in parameters.
ceil(x) Math Number Return smallest integer which is larger than x (aka "round up").
charAt(pos) String String Return the character at a particular index in the string.
charCodeAt(pos) String Number Return the Unicode value of the character at a particular index in the string.
concat([string1],[string2],[...]) String String Append one or more strings to the current string, and return the result.
concat([item1],[item2],[...]) Array Array Concatenates one or more items or arrays onto the current array.
cos(x) Math Number Return the cosine of x, in radians.
eval(str) Global (none) Evaluate the supplied string as ECMAScript code.
exec(sourceString) RegExp Array Run the regular expression against a string and return a single match.
exp(x) Math Number Return the value of ex.
floor(x) Math Number Return largest integer which is less than x (aka "round down").
fromCharCode([charCode0],[charCode1],[...]) String String Create a new string from a series of Unicode character values.
getDate() Date Number Return the day number in the local timezone.
getDay() Date Number Return the zero-based weekday number in the local timezone.
getFullYear() Date Number Return the four-digit year in the local timezone.
getHours() Date Number Return the hour number in the local timezone.
getMilliseconds() Date Number Return the millisecond number in the local timezone.
getMinutes() Date Number Return the minute number in the local timezone.
getMonth() Date Number Return the zero-based month number in the local timezone.
getSeconds() Date Number Return the second number in the local timezone.
getTime() Date Number Return the number of milliseconds since Midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
getTimezoneOffset() Date Number Returns the difference between the local time and UTC time in minutes.
getUTCDate() Date Number Return the day number in UTC.
getUTCDay() Date Number Return the zero-based weekday number in UTC.
getUTCFullYear() Date Number Return the four-digit year in UTC.
getUTCHours() Date Number Return the hour number in UTC.
getUTCMilliseconds() Date Number Return the millisecond number in UTC.
getUTCMinutes() Date Number Return the minute number in UTC.
getUTCMonth() Date Number Return the zero-based month number in UTC.
getUTCSeconds() Date Number Return the second number in UTC.
hasOwnProperty(propertyOrMethodName) Object Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method.
indexOf(searchString,[position]) String String Find the offset of a substring within the string.
isFinite(num) Global Boolean Returns false if the supplied number is NaN, Infinity or -Infinity; returns true otherwise.
isNaN(num) Global Boolean Returns true if the supplied number is NaN, false otherwise.
isPrototypeOf(instanceToTest) Object Boolean Determines if the calling object prototype is in the inheritance chain for the supplied argument.
join([separator]) Array String Returns a string representation of the array, separated by the delimiter of your choice.
lastIndexOf(searchString,[position]) String String The offset of a substring within the string.
localeCompare(compareString) String Number Compare the string to the argument in the current locale.
log(x) Math Number Return the natural logarithm of x.
match(expr) String Array Run the supplied regular expression against the string and return an array of the results.
max([value1],[value2],[...]) Math Number Return the largest of all arguments supplied.
min([value1],[value2],[...]) Math Number Return the smallest of all arguments supplied.
parse(dateString) Date Number Attempt to parse the supplied string as a date, and return the number of milliseconds it represents.
parseFloat(string) Global Number Attempt to convert a string into a number.
parseInt(string,[radix]) Global Number Attempt to convert a string into an integer number, using the specified base.
pop() Array Object Remove the last element from the array and return it.
pow(x,y) Math Number Return the value of raising x to the power y.
propertyIsEnumerable(propertyOrMethodName) Object Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has a property or method of the supplied name which will appear in a for (prop in obj) enumeration.
push([item1],[item2],[...]) Array Number Adds one or more elements to the end of the array, returning the new length.
random() Math Number Return a floating-point random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
replace(searchExpr,replaceExpr) String String Find and replace values in a string, and return the changed string.
reverse() Array Array Reverses the order of the elements in the array, and returns the array.
round(x) Math Number Round a number to the closest integer.
search(searchExpr) String Number Find the offset of a regular expression within the string.
setDate(day) Date Number Set the day number in the local timezone.
setFullYear(year,[month],[day]) Date Number Set the year, expressed in the local timezone.
setHours(hours,[mins],[secs],…) Date Number Set the hour number in the local timezone.
setMilliseconds(ms) Date Number Set the millisecond number in the local timezone.
setMinutes(mins,[secs],[ms]) Date Number Set the minute number in the local timezone.
setMonth(month,[day]) Date Number Set the zero-based month, expressed in the local timezone.
setSeconds(second,[ms]) Date Number Set the second number in the local timezone.
setTime(time) Date Number Set the date object to a new time.
setUTCDate(day) Date Number Set the UTC day number.
setUTCFullYear(year,[month],[day]) Date Number Set the UTC year number.
setUTCHours(hours,[mins],[secs],…) Date Number Set the UTC hours.
setUTCMilliseconds([ms]) Date Number Set the UTC milliseconds.
setUTCMinutes(mins,[secs],[ms]) Date Number Set the UTC minutes.
setUTCMonth(month,[day]) Date Number Set the UTC month.
setUTCSeconds(secs,[ms]) Date Number Set the UTC seconds.
shift() Array Object Removes the first element of the array and returns it.
sin(x) Math Number Return the sine of x, in radians.
slice(start,[end]) Array Array Return a specified section of an array.
slice(start,[end]) String String Return a specified subsection of the string.
sort([compareFunction]) Array Array Sort the array.
splice(start,deleteCount,[newItem1],…) Array Array Remove a section from the array and return it; optionally inserting new values in that place.
split([separator],[limit]) String Array Separate the string into pieces and return an array of the resulting substrings.
sqrt(x) Math Number Return the square root of x.
substring(start,[end]) String String Return a specified subsection of the string.
tan(x) Math Number Return the tangent of x, in radians.
test(sourceString) RegExp Boolean Run the regular expression against a string; return true if a match exists, false otherwise.
toDateString() Date String Return a string version of the date-only portion of the object.
toExponential([fractionDigits]) Number String Return the number formatted in scientific notation, with one digit before the decimal point and a specified number of digits after.
toFixed([fractionDigits]) Number String Return the number formatted with a specified number of digits after the decimal point.
toLocaleLowerCase() String String Return a locale-specific lowercase version of the string.
toLocaleString() Object String For most objects, the same as toString() unless explicitly overridden.
toLocaleUpperCase() String String Return a locale-specific uppercase version of the string.
toLowerCase() String String Return a lowercase version of the string.
toPrecision(precision) Number String Return the number as a string in either in fixed or exponential notation, with the specified number of digits.
toString() Object String Returns a string representation of the object.
toString([radix]) Number String Return the number as a string converted to a specified base.
toTimeString() Date String Return a string version of the time-only portion of the object.
toUpperCase() String String Return an uppercase version of the string.
toUTCString() Date String Returns a string form of the Date in a convenient, human-readable form in UTC.
unshift([newItem1],[newItem2],[...]) Array Number Insert items to the front of an array, and return the new length.
UTC(year,month,[day],…) Date Number Return the number of milliseconds corresponding to the supplied arguments.
valueOf() Object String Returns the internal this value of the object.