Properties in ECMAScript 262

name object type description
arguments Function Array An array of all parameters passed to the function/method.
constructor Object Object A reference to the constructor class for the current object instance.
global RegExp Boolean (read only) The global flag for the regular expression.
ignoreCase RegExp Boolean (read only) The case-insensitive flag for the regular expression.
Infinity Global Infinity The static value "Infinity"
lastIndex RegExp Number The string position at which to start the next match.
length Array Number The number of items in the array.
length Function Number (read only) The number of arguments declared with the function.
length String Number (read only) The number of characters in the string.
multiline RegExp Boolean (read only) The multiline flag for the regular expression.
NaN Global NaN Not a Number
prototype Object Object The prototype for a class.
source RegExp String (read only) The regular expression expressed as a string.
undefined Global undefined The static value "undefined"