Rotation in Anark Studio 2.5

Specifies rotation direction.

Inherits from:

Instance Properties

name type description
constructor Object A reference to the constructor class for the current object instance. [from Object]
prototype Object The prototype for a class. [from Object]
x Number X-axis rotation.
y Number Y-axis rotation.
z Number Z-axis rotation.

Instance Methods

name returns description
add(otherRotation) (none) Add on a rotation vector.
copy() Rotation Return a copy of the rotation object.
equals(otherRotation) Boolean Compare two rotation vectors for equivalence.
hasOwnProperty(propertyOrMethodName) Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has the named property or method. [from Object]
isPrototypeOf(instanceToTest) Boolean Determines if the calling object prototype is in the inheritance chain for the supplied argument. [from Object]
linear(targetVector,weightFactor) (none) Move the rotation towards another rotation vector.
maxVector(otherRotation) (none) Calculate the maximum rotation vector.
minVector(otherRotation) (none) Calculate the minimum rotation vector.
propertyIsEnumerable(propertyOrMethodName) Boolean Determines if the object/instance itself has a property or method of the supplied name which will appear in a for (prop in obj) enumeration. [from Object]
scale(scaleFactor) (none) Scale the rotation by a factor.
subtract(otherRotation) (none) Subtract a rotation amount.
toLocaleString() String For most objects, the same as toString() unless explicitly overridden. [from Object]
toString() String Returns a string representation of the object. [from Object]
transform(transformMatrix) (none) Transform the rotation vector by a matrix.
valueOf() String Returns the internal this value of the object. [from Object]


A rotation is a special kind of vector encapsulating the data and operations of three angular components, X, Y and Z.

Constructor syntax

var rotation = new Rotation( x, y, z );
optional — The floating point value representing the degrees of rotation about the X axis.
optional — The floating point value representing the degrees of rotation about the Y axis.
optional — The floating point value representing the degrees of rotation about the Z axis.

Properties that are a Rotation

name object description
rotation Node Rotation of the object.

Methods that return a Rotation

name of object description
copy() Rotation Return a copy of the rotation object.

Arguments that are a Rotation

name in method of object description
otherRotation add(otherRotation) Rotation The rotation vector to add.
otherRotation subtract(otherRotation) Rotation The rotation/vector to subtrac
otherRotation equals(otherRotation) Rotation The rotation vector to compare
otherRotation maxVector(otherRotation) Rotation The rotation vector to compare
otherRotation minVector(otherRotation) Rotation The rotation vector to compare