clear() |
(none) |
clear the descriptor
erase(key) |
(none) |
erase a key from the descriptor
getBoolean(key) |
Boolean |
get the value of a key of type boolean
getClass(key) |
Number |
get the value of a key of type class
getDouble(key) |
Number |
get the value of a key of type double
getEnumerationType(key) |
Number |
get the enumeration type of a key
getEnumerationValue(key) |
Number |
get the enumeration value of a key
getInteger(key) |
Number |
get the value of a key of type integer
getKey(index) |
Number |
get ID of the Nth key
getList(key) |
ActionList |
get the value of a key of type list
getObjectType(key) |
Number |
get the class ID of an object in a key of type object
getObjectValue(key) |
ActionDescriptor |
get the value of a key of type object
getPath(key) |
File |
get the value of a key of type Alias
getReference(key) |
ActionReference |
get the value of a key of type ActionReference
getString(key) |
String |
get the value of a key of type string
getType(key) |
DescValueType |
get the type of a key
getUnitDoubleType(key) |
Number |
get the unit type of a key of type UnitDouble
getUnitDoubleValue(key) |
Number |
get the value of a key of type UnitDouble
haskey(key) |
Boolean |
does the descriptor contain the provided key?
isEqual(color) |
Boolean |
return true if the provided color is visually equal to this color
putBoolean(key,value) |
(none) |
putClass(key,value) |
(none) |
putDouble(key,value) |
(none) |
putEnumerated(key,enumType,value) |
(none) |
putInteger(key,value) |
(none) |
putList(key,value) |
(none) |
putObject(key,classID,value) |
(none) |
putPath(key,value) |
(none) |
putReference(key,value) |
(none) |
putString(key,value) |
(none) |
putUnitDouble(key,unitID,value) |
(none) |