myRegExp.ignoreCase in ECMAScript 262

The case-insensitive flag for the regular expression.
This property is read-only.

Property Type

Corresponds to the "i" flag when creating a regular expression, and indicates whether or not the regular expression is case-sensitive or not when matched against a string.

var val;
var oneCat = /cat/; //matches a single occurrence of "cat", case-sensitive
val = oneCat.ignoreCase; // ** false
val =;     // ** false
val = oneCat.multiline;  // ** false

var anyCat = /cat/i; //matches a single occurence of "cat", case-insensitive
val = anyCat.ignoreCase; // ** true
val =;     // ** false
val = anyCat.multiline;  // ** false

var all_cats = /cat/g; //matches every occurence of "cat", case-sensitive
val = all_cats.ignoreCase; // ** false
val =;     // ** true
val = all_cats.multiline;  // ** false

var allCats = /cat/gi; //matches every occurence of "cat", case-insensitive
val = allCats.ignoreCase; // ** true
val =;     // ** true
val = allCats.multiline;  // ** false

var everyLine = /^.+/gm; //matches from the start of a new line to end of that line
val = everyLine.ignoreCase; // ** false
val =;     // ** true
val = everyLine.multiline;  // ** true