Date.UTC( year, month, [ day ], [ hour ], [ minute ], [ second ], [ ms ] ) in ECMAScript 262

Return the number of milliseconds corresponding to the supplied arguments.


year Number The UTC year number.
month Number The zero-based UTC month numbe
day Number [optional] The UTC day number.
hour Number [optional] The UTC hours.
minute Number [optional] The UTC minutes.
second Number [optional] The UTC seconds.
ms Number [optional] The UTC milliseconds.
Return Type


This method applies to the Date class, not a particular instance; appropriate usage is:

var numMilliseconds = Date.UTC(...);

This method is used by the new Date() constructor when more than one argument is passed, so the following two methods of creating a date are equivalent:

var numMilliseconds = Date.UTC(2003,11,24);
var myDate1 = new Date(numMilliseconds);

var myDate2 = new Date(2003,11,24);
var numMilliseconds = myDate2.valueOf();

As such, this method is solely useful when only the date value (as a number) is important instead of the full Date object it represents.

Note: The month property is zero-based; 0 corresponds to January, and (as above) 11 corresponds to December.